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We use a sin bin. It is an open wire kennel very airy and no privacy and kept right in the coop with the other girls for a few days. (can take a couple of tries). I have heard of the ice water dunk but never tried it. There is an example of one in the middle of this pic. The one that looks like a jail. It has a wire bottom. Very drafty on the broody's nether regions.

Daughter, thanks for the picture. I suppose my husband could rig something up like that, or repurpose our dog crate into a "sin bin". Today, she was up and moving around (finally), so perhaps she's snapped out of it? Well see, I guess. If not, I'll do as you mentioned. Crossing my fingers here... a broody hen might be fun if she actually had something to brood!
I'm so stressed and confused! Not even when I was breeding 100-150 reptiles a month did I have this much confusion. But, rules for incubating reptiles are so much different!

Ok...I know 3-4 days before due date there is a lockdown.
I know you can't remove the chicks/ducklings until everyone is hatched.

BUT, there are several problems I'm having.

1. Half of the eggs in the incubator were eggs I took from under the silkie, the other half were ones I put aside while waiting for the incubator to be shipped.

2. We didn't know the silkie had as many eggs under as she did (19) therefore we don't know how old most of them are. I guessed she was stealing eggs for a week, maybe 2.

3. I also ran into a very good deal on EE hatching eggs that I couldn't pass up. With all of this put together I estimate eggs will be hatching for a few weeks in May, maybe sooner.

So, how can I do the lockdown and not remove babies until everyone hatches? Any suggestions?
Keyt- you have a big mess.

I suggest a second incubator.
Then, candle the eggs- the ones that are most developed go in one incubator and the least developed go in the other.
That way you can up humidity without jeopardizing the babies still developing in the eggs.

edit to add:

Okay- I went back and looked. You first posted about your broody hen that had been sitting for about a week on April 2nd...that puts your eggs from your broody due to hatch within the next two days or so. Duck eggs will go for one additional week.
I would keep these eggs seperate from the next half of eggs that you added.
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We sell our eggs for $2 a dozen, and so far its been people we know and they save the empty cartons for us. Right now I am trying to figure out how to get 18 eggs a day out of 15 mature hens LOL! but we have 5 that are about to start laying and 4 more in the grow out pens due to meet the main flock soon. I did see last week TSC had a sale on egg cartons butI didn't see them on sale when I went in today. I MIGHT have a working Fridge for you, I have to see if the on in the other garage still works, PM or E-mail me tomorrow


P.S. in the Middle of typing this, a stray dog came into the yard and attacked our flock. little black dog, kinda like a terrier but bigger. we caught it, ha a collar, but no tags. The hen was OK, We have pictures of the dog with black feathers in its mouth(he got more feathers than skin) While I found a rope to tie the dog up Les called animal control. I went into the house to get some ice for my ankle (twisted wile running out of the house) the tie job that I did around the well head cameloose and the dog started to chase the chickens again. I ran after it but he made it across the neighbors hay field, and my bum ankle I couldnt kep up with it. Ater rounding up all the chickens I am finaly back. The worse part about it is that I have never seen that dog before. There is one that gives himself a walk everyday to the end of the road and back and dosen't look twice at the birds, and others that I have seen at houses but this guy is new. Animal control said if we catch him again the owners are responceable for any damages done to our birds and they will check for vaccines, rabies, licences, ect
Keyt - You could always stick the not as far along eggs under the silkie again, I'm sure she's probably still pretty hormonal. Then after your first batch hatches, sanitize and reclaim the eggs from her and continue with the incubating. Did you already explain your reasons for taking them from her in the first place??
I didn't take them all right away. I originally took all but about 5 because she's so tiny there was no way those eggs were staying warm. Some of them were getting piled up on the back wall of the laying box, not even under her. But then she stopped sitting on the eggs period and no one else was so I put them in the incubator too!
Got a broody box built, now I just need a broody hen
A 2nd incubator is definitely on the horizon, but can't happen til May 1st. I'm buying two or Aric is making 2 depends on what's going on then. But for now I'm kinda screwed.

Thanks for looking back on that Kim. I forgot I had posted about that!

Scratch that. I will be purchasing a new incubator tomorrow!!!
. But it won't solve the issues with the eggs in the current one. If they do start hatching this week, would it be safe to remove them even though I don't know when the rest will hatch?
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