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Aw, come on! Both your BOs are laying now?

Don't mind me. Jealousy has taken over my typing fingers. I hope to get a plate full of eggs from my girls, someday. They sure look beautiful, and delicious!
Nice eggs Raz! Is that one on the left an XL or does it just look big in that picture?

One of my friends is in Guatemala and I challenged her to bring me back some hatching eggs if she saw some really cool chickens.
Jokingly, we checked customs regulations and it is "generally acceptable" to carry back eggs (which means that the customs officer/supervisor on duty can make the call). She travels all over the world and I joke with her all the time to bring me back fertile eggs. She texted me last night that there is a chicken farm near where she is staying.

That crazy girl might actually try to bring me back some HUEVOS!!!

I had a hilarious time carrying eggs from California. From another country?....now that would be something.
How old are your girls again? If the breeder was correct in telling me the age of my silkies, it took them a freaking year to lay their first egg and then 3 weeks later....molt.
I totally understand your pain. Finally one of them started to lay again. We got 2 bantam eggs this week!
It seems to me I've noticed that no matter what the breed....a chick is gonna start laying when she's good and ready. Some early some later. My BO's started laying at 20 wk. A client of mine had gotten chicks the same time I did, same breed, supposedly the same age and they didn't start until they were about 28 wk. I know there wasn't a 8 week difference in age just from seeing them and their size. I guess a girl can do whatever she wants when she wants but delaying that first egg sure is an anticipation builder for the chicks owners.
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My BOs are going to be 32 weeks this week. Amy, my RIR that is the same age is my only layer. Buffy has a bright red comb so I'm hoping she will lay someday soon, though no squatting yet. Willow's comb is still pale pink so I'm not counting on her until spring. I ask them everyday to lay and egg for me but so far the have just ignored me.
Thought I'd post a pic of Scrambles, one of my Buff Orps....they are dependable layers once they get started!

Earlier this summer I rehomed a pullet-turned-rooster to a co-workers farm. Today they sent me pictures of the pretty boy and gushed about how much they love him and how pretty he is. Gosh that makes me feel like a proud momma! They are planning on breeding him to the other barred rocks they have.

It's not the best picture but I thought I would share

What a total bummer day...

Got home from parent teach conferance, and my son is a smarty. He's excelling and farther advanced in his language than the other kids in his class. Thanks JOHN, his dad, GRANDPA, my dad, for always talking to him in BIG words. LOL

so that was good...


Rest in Peace Minnesota Cuke. She was one of the silkie hens... And only a POUND!

A feather from the hawk that killed her in my front yard! Well, there were a few more of his/her feathers than this, but... Any guesses of the hawk type?

Neighbor saw it happening, shot the wall behind the hawk to scare it off, hoping to save Minnie, but she was already dead, and the hawk took off for the hills... Dang thing has killed 4 chickens so far. Two of mine, and two of Carls. I wish we could CULL the hawk for being a threat to the health of the flock... BUT, its a federal offence I guess to CULL the hawk.
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