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really? You showed me that while I was eating chips, and now I swear, I cant swallow my mouthful...

I'm glad I wasn't eating when I saw the pic! First thought was GROSS!
Now that I have stuffed myself with potato chips, I am off to the store to try and find an appropriate outfit to wear to a wedding reception tonight. *sigh* Why I cant just wear my scrubs...would be much easier.

My coworker is getting married- so I have to not only look appropriate, I have to act appropriate, as well. lol
I have done this with great success. My d'Uccle hatched out like 5 and she has 11. She has bantams and standards. It takes the chicks a couple of days to figure it out but they eventually get it. Of course she can't cover all these but they are all in my brooder house in a pen. But she owns them all and they are all different ages.
Thanks I am going to keep trying, No problem with the mom she cuddled the chick last night after I put them in the pen but th echick doesn't get the idea that this is who I should follow now

BYE-BYE MR. FLUFFERS! Best Rooster Ever!

love the pics of your grand son, what a sweetie!
I am cooking up some ideas that I would love to patent... does anyone know the best way to go about this?
I have one for kids and one for chickens!!!!

I still have to do some research on the one for kids...
Couldn't find anything like what I am thinking..
Next step to have BF make me one!
Sorry about Mr.F, Nova. I was really hoping he'd pull through for you.
And Mom2, sorry about your little d'uccle. I lost one just like that, but a skunk was the culprit with mine.

Just popping in for a sec between work and errands. Nova, I can totally relate in the 'glowing'. I seem to do that almost constantly lately.
Not much has been going on in my flock except I am finally getting back up to where I should be in egg production now that the egg thief is gone and the weather is more tolerable. I actually had to beg co-workers to take eggs from me today which I haven't had to do in some time.
I am cooking up some ideas that I would love to patent... does anyone know the best way to go about this?
I have one for kids and one for chickens!!!!

I still have to do some research on the one for kids...
Couldn't find anything like what I am thinking..
Next step to have BF make me one!
First step is to get a bound notebook and write down what your idea is. Date it and even write the time that you wrote is down. I was advised to use different colour inks on the same page to reduce the chance of your idea being copied.

Getting a patent is time consuming and expensive. All of mine were handled by the corporate attorneys from where I was employed.
Mrs.Haggie - you and your ducks are going to be a lot happier when you get them outdoors!

Be sure to have them in a very secure pen so that no predator (dog, cat, hawk/owl, raccoon can eat them).

But trust me, you will and the ducks will both love it when they can have a small swimming pool and dirt/grass ect..

I am liking them right now, but I think you are correct that I will enjoy them much more when they are outdoors! They have grown so much since we left on Friday! They are starting to get new feathers in (juvi feathers?) and just as I suspected, at least one is a duck and starting to quack! Soo cute! The other is starting to get a little of the same noise in there that they other started out like, so we either have 2 ducks or a duck and a drake..
True Ameraucanas are NOT Easter Eggers, they are a distinct breed.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That's what I thought.

Talk about crazy.... DH had a job interview Thursday, I guess it went so well, Friday called and said they want him to fly to Germany for yet another interview, with the co president... all expences paid. I'm excited for him, though I don't envy the round the world trip in 3 days. The new job he just got... just isn't a good fit for him.

I can't read posts much these days, I feel like I get on, brag then leave LOL! I miss you guys!
^^^^^^^^^^That would be amazing!
Amy, I had chickens in Hawaii and because of the remote location there were few predators and few diseases. My chickens easily lived to be five years old and I thought that was normal everywhere.

But since I got to Michigan, I have lost all the hens I brought with me to disease and one to a hawk. Since Michigan is in the migration path of wild birds and since people trade eggs and chicks and chickens freely here, there doesn't seem to be any way to control infectious disease. That is why the big egg farms in Michigan who produce millions of eggs for sale every year, keep their chickens in large enclosed buildings so that their chickens don't come into contact with our environment. Our vet has to shower and put on some of their overalls and clean boots which the egg farm provides to even go into that facility.

If you have chicks that you got all at once from one place, and you don't wear your feed store shoes into your coop, and you keep the wild birds and rats/mice out of your chickens feed, and predators at bay, hopefully you will do o.k. But the attitude I have found prevalent here is that chicks are cheap, so you just hatch them, trade them, sell them, cull them, enjoy them while you have them.
I tend to disagree with this way of thinking....they keep them in large enclosed buildings because it is cheaper and easier...the vet has to wear protective clothing in not to protect the chickens but to protect himself because they are likely so disease ridden.
I dont think we are all nonchalant' about it- we do our best to provide great homes, foraging areas, and instead of treating them like battery hens locked in tiny cages- we try to give them some freedom and enjoyment. The trade-off for that is some losses.
^^^^^^^^^ ditto...chickens allowed to forage and have a good home are generally much healthier.
okay, so here's the Scotch eggs I did for our crabbing tomorrow.

The egg in the middle is an EE - the Scotch eggs are ducks eggs wrapped with ground, seasoned chicken thighs. We had one for a starter before dinner tonight, cut up and dipped in mustard. It was fabulous.

Scotch eggs are really good picnic food - if anyone wants to know how, just let me know. Kids love them as much as adult do.
These look awesome!
Boil eggs (duck, chicken, peafowl, whatever you have except emu eggs, they are too big!)
I used duck eggs because I had them

1 pound of ground meat (your favourite kind - mine was 3/4 chicken thigh and 1/4 pork)
1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp ground sage, 2-10 (okay, I love garlic) crushed garlic cloves, 10 grinds of black pepper, 1/2 tsp dried mustard powder (optional). Mix it all together - if it seems a bit moist, add 1/4 - 1/2 cup breadcrumbs to bind it.

Divide into 4 portions. Rolling it our can be a pain, so I use cling film, with flour on it and put another piece on top. Then "shmush" it round the boiled eggs that have been chilled. Form into a nice ball pressing it tight, then roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in hot oil in a cast iron pan until brown on all sides, then drain any excess oil, and transfer the pan to a 325 f oven for 25 minutes to make sure it's thoroughly cooked.

Serve chilled with Dijon or HOT English mustard and a big pint of the very best beer!
Thanks for the recipe! I am totally trying these!
Thank you Mom2 and Raz!!! I love my new uggos!!!

Everyone ready for some uggo-uggo-uggos???

Their names are Shawarma and Peking

Soooo freaking cute! I definitely want one now! Maybe one day when I have more room!
me too! :D
Caseville is definately for everyone! They have a parade that's like mardi gras, throwing candy and stuff from the floats. The campers decorate their campers with flamingos and lights and tiki bars. It's like Christmas.
I'm glad to hear Caseville is awesome! I've been wanting to camp there, now I am pretty motivated to try to make it happen!
Had a heck of a storm last night. Big oak came down in my back 40 - good deal because now I have a new stash of wood for making maple syrup next spring. I hate picking an oak to cull so whenever mother nature decides it's a big favor to me.
I am a bit new to this rural/farm/country living thing...what does one use wood for when making maple syrup?

I found this on another thread. Maybe it could be of use to convince communities that keeping chickens is patriotic - after all, the USDA encourages it!
Well, going to check the bunny in the oven. Guess all you MI peeps went to bed. Night all, check back with you tomorrow. Keep cool!
You have a pregnant doe, or you were baking rabbit for dinner? lol?
Sadly, my eggs never started :( Still, cool experience !! And now I know how to handle eggs ! :D Anyone know where I can get CHEAP breeder eggs ? Hint hint; I don't mind mutts. How have all y'all been doing? Leaving to new orleans tomorrow and my baby hamster looks like she's in labor :p Hope all is well with u guys !
Boo! Sorry to hear that! Not sure where you're located, but my dad probably has some fertile mutt eggs that he would part with. :D
Muttsfan Congrats!!!

I must have missed your post the first time around...
Ooooohhhhh!!! Yes, I must! How small? Dime, nickle, quarter???
I just bought some clear bulbs (x-mas ornaments) to put some in!
I have one baby that is asleep in a pistachio shell!!! So tiny!! Oh and it has real bug wings!
I need to know what these tiny fairies are asap? Pics? lol!
How big are they? They aren't buttons are they? I know our eggs you can put a finger through with no problem. Buttons are great to hatch, nothing like a chick the size of a bumble bee.
Squee! I want some!
nope...better than that, its for HOMESCHOOL stuff..order one, use it as a teaching tool for the kid...
OoOoOoOoOoHHHHH! Now I have a whole NEW reason to buy stuff!
Oh YEAH...
Is that a tax write off too?
Umm... I am going to NEED some of these eggs/ quail...

I have the disease... you guys gave it to me...
Not if it's for homeschooling (no tax right offs for that) maybe for something else though.
they are so pretty! however, they are PRICIER than the regular bob white..you will have to post/send me pictures when you get them!
Are pheasants hard to raise? I always wanted to try (not 31!) PHEASANTS BUT ALWAYS SEEING THEM WITH BLINDERS ON SCARED ME OFF, oopz not yelling apparently I just cannot type on my keyboard.
aww no dont let a few sentences scare you off- they have the tiniest eggs, are a hoot to watch run around *in a cage or aquarium* and come in a multitude of colors. many many many colors. They are the robo hamsters of the quail world.
I have never done bob white before- only the cots and buttons, so I will tell you as I go along on how they are.
Me thinks I see quail somewhere in my future!
If you don't want insulated boots the plain boots at the back of TSC, usually black or drab green are decent. They're usually $20 - 30, not as good as Mucks/Bogs, but probably the next best thing at a lower price point.
Not sure in what way you wore them out, but if you need them re-water proofed, or to patch some holes, or cracks you can buy a can of the rubberized tool grip liquid coating from home depot for about $5 and dip them in it then let them dry...it dries to a flexible rubber...it might not last super long, but if it will stretch out the time that you can use them so you can save up for a little longer that would be good at least. :)
See, I have this really bad luck. I save hard for things like good boots and a zoom lens for my camera then before I know it, I need the money for other things like struts for my car, brakes for the truck, and littler things like paying the grainery bill lol.
I have that problem too. :/
totalcolour, wanted to say how much I enfoyed that article you posted, Patriotic duty to have chickens in 1918, against the law in 2012......go figure
^^^^^^^^ yeah that
Something killed my porcelain d'uccle..was only a week old at Chicken stock so how old does that make her? Anyhow...she still stuck with Mama Hen, but not all the time now. I just found her BODY- no head, neck, legs, or wings. Horrified me.
Disgusted then horrified me.

then pithed me off.

I want to blame the dogs. Its not their style though, and they have virtually ignored this chick. they never remove the parts.

So, Im pithed enough to go on ebay and get me some more for my broody.
Soooo sorry for your loss!
You can also get diseased animals from hatcheries too! It happened to my sister and not only did almost all 46 chicks die but the majority of her laying hens! We have also seen it happen with farmers near us that had perfect (if there is such a thing) cleaning practices!
This Spring's chicks we purchased also taught us hatcheries can't even promise full breeds anymore. That seriously upset me after all the money I spent and I couldn't get my money back.
Yess....and ????? What do you mean they can't promise full breeds? I want some brahma's but I will be miffed if I order chicks and they aren't full brahma's.
Mr. Fluffers passed away. I knew it was a possibility last night when he kept falling asleep when I was trying to get him to eat... He got up on his roost last night, something he hadn't done for days, so I was hopeful. Well... I tried my best.
So sorry for your loss!

What a busy busy busy week I just had! So fun though! I imagine I was not too far from some of you at some point this past weekend! We drove up to Neebish Island, 5 hours North, in the UP for hubby's family reunion, then we drove back home, and then camped at Metamora-Hadly State Park for homeschool camp week. Fun times. We love the northern part of the state

Anyone know of anyplace hiring in Roscommon or within 20 or so minutes of it that pays halfway decent? We found a house we absolutely ADORE there and would love to live in that area, but hubby would need a steady job. He has 9 years of experience in production right now, as well as some group leader experience.

The ducks are doing well, but I need to KICK my butt and get their house done. Taking apart pallets sucks though. :/

Ok, I'm off until tonight...I just read over 30 pages!
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