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Yes from Townline this year and Meyer 2 years ago. I will never order from them again. Townline refused to give a refund of any kind and were really terrible to me. I ordered BO and most were BO with some black colors in them. They're pretty but not what I ordered. Meyer sent me more chicks. Not what I wanted but I gave the mixed breeds to my best friend.

I got three BO's from Townline this year. One ended up being a roo but they are all very BO-like. The two pullets have slight (what do they call that?) salt and pepper in their tails. But I've heard that can be a good trait when breeding? I don't know. They are very sweet birds though and the roo is shaping up to be a good one so far (18 weeks old now). I would like to get some birds from local breeders next time though, just to try. I want to get some french copper marans and olive eggers for the color. The artist in me must have aesthetics in my egg basket.
Baby fairies!!!

I'm so sorry MOM2 and NOVA. Nova, you did all you could, literally. I really liked him, he was such a good man to his ladies. Things gotta turn around for you, they just gotta. I think he knew he was loved, or he wouldn't have lingered so long. :(
I've thought about BO's...what are their temperments like? I am drawn to the Brahma's because they are supposed to be very docile, and I totally need that.
The hatchery orpington's are NOT the orpingtons you see in the chicken books, those are the ENGLISH orpingtons. Totally different, the english have so many feathers their legs don't even stick out, and they have tiny combs and are supposed to be very laid-back. Hatchery orpingtons have combs, and legs sticking out, and mine was MEAN. Great broody, but MEAN. My easter eggers are my favorite, they chase me down and jump right into my lap. :)
Click on the pic and it will get bigger.
This is what the orps are supposed to be: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/386051/the-imported-english-orpington-thread

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We all multi quote. When I do it, I try and cut everything but what I am really addressing out, or cut it down so that the person I may be responding to has a bit of the original post... Sometimes, like when I use the TP, it is such a pain, I don't multi quote, and when I do quote, I can't edit. So, I will just multi answer, and hope who ever the answer is for knows.
I wanted to make a response to MrsHaggie, but decided that it was far to much to edit. I also have it set so I do not quote quotes...

I did cut everything but what I was addressing out....I just had over 30 pages worth of responses! lol! Maybe I will just try to cut back on who I respond to from now on. You could still reply though, just put my name in the reply...I am lame and read them all. :D
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