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Just have to rub it in a bit...
Eggs from all 4 girls again today.

Nyah, nyah, SJ.

I know...I'm being a snot.
Tis the egg season. Everyone is stuck in because of the rain so they must be bored. My second Ameraucana laid today and finally my Polish have started laying again after their LONG molt. I'm back to 4 eggs. It sounds pretty sad compared to the 18 I was getting but having gone a month on an egg or two or none a day I'm happy! Now if my Wellie and Maran would just start.

My son and I took a drive to Kalkaska today and picked up an incubator. The lady only used it twice, worked great but she now has a flock of broody silkies (very pretty girls) and no use for it. But the problem is I told my husband I wouldn't hatch more chicks till spring.... but I really want to test it out!

Nova - so sorry about the hawk attack. We lost one to a hawk during the spring migration. I'm actually glad I didn't witness it - would have wanted to shoot the hawk.

1muttsfan - I love the idea of pictures. I love seeing all different kinds, and sharing with some one who appreciates them is so much nicer!
Me too. I've been going nuts over the darn picture posting. I think maybe it's not getting through due to conflicting instructions from my photo software and the BYC program??? help
Bob, do you have your photos saved on your hard drive, like in the pictures folder? If so, you should be able to upload according to Raz's directions above. You may have to save them in a certain format (such as jpeg) for that to work though.

Hi, It's Baub. Still troubled but willing to try Posting a pict again. This time with the help of RaZ. Thanks lots. work or not. U R a gentleman and a sccholar. Bob
:celebrate:lol: IT WORKED !!!!!!
Thank you R. soooo much.
This shot is from our first capture of eggs from our 5 hens. Me thinks the only layer was (is) a Speckled Sussex that Daron sold us . Two, maybe three days old then. Sixteen wks when the signs of layind firse dawned on me. Is a "puk-puk-ppuk-pukk puk pa kawk" an egg laying song sure trhing? Anyway Bertha is gettin credit for all of these eggs layed in the aparagus patch an d found about two wks after the "noise " began.
Thanks everyone for the get well wishes. I feel a bit better, but still ache all over and am so tired. I've slept 16 of the past 22 hours! Had 2 rounds of being up for 2 hours, but got so worn out I went back to sleep.
DH thinks it happened due to all the stress and anxiety I've had recently and he's probably right. He told me today that he should call the hospital and book a room for after his brother's wedding because I'll probably need it since this is my body's response to a bridal shower...ha ha
Actually, there is more to my stress than that. I just have a wicked full plate until January 1 so fingers crossed that this is all the fall-out I get til then.

On the bright side, I got another green egg today. Yay. And so far, I've taken in 14 eggs today. I saw someone else post that their egg production has gone up so I was wondering if there is a reason for it. We moved the girls to a new coop last week and they have picked up on the laying so I thought maybe it was because of the new coop/location, but am wondering if this is common to lose production and have it go back up weeks later. Any thoughts?

SJ, tell your Amy to let the others know that the girl (or boy) who waited is only a good story line for human actors...let's see some eggs, ladies
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