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Good Morning All-

Sam be safe if you go out there to hunt.

Thanks everyone. I will be okay, not doing too bad this morning- just really really sore in the left shoulder/neck/collar bone area where the seat belt went across...
I am grateful that it wasnt worse- and therons story proves it could have been. Also, i am thankful that I wasnt shoved under the semi- because I thought that was going to happen.

Last night I got to experience cold and colder and colder and I am so thankful that I have a warm house to live in, and prayers for the homeless. We lost our power around ten- right after I posted. And the temps continued to drop all night..60 degrees this morning in here- which for me, is horrible. But the power came back on, yay
and the furnace wouldnt work. lol. We finally found the reset button- by stretching my arm behind it as far as I could reach, and blindly feeling for a button.

I feel so bad for my broodies. I went out to check them, with no heat lamp in their area. Eggs were still warm under Moms, but that doesnt tell me much. I was cold, everything feels warmer than me out there...almost. The temp is such that the waterer was frozen but I was able to poke my finger in it, and pull off the layer of ice.

Do you think the eggs will be okay? If I was homeless, that is where I would go- in that lean-to. It is mostly blocked off from all wind, just a small area where the chickens walk in at that isnt covered. Bales of straw and leaf bags stacked in front of water-resistant "black out" drapes..lol, thats what I tacked up to make the 'walls'. The other two sides are my house, so its a snug area.

I tried putting a heat lamp out there, but it blows the power strip. I have to run it into my utility room- no outdoor outlet, and it shares with the washer and dryer, and my Christmas lighting out there.
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I've told you guys that my chickens opt to goof off in the coop and not come out into the run. Today I decided to give them some scratch when I got them up this morning but put it in the run. About 4 of them came barreling out of the door and then froze. Not one of them was interested in the scratch AT ALL.

I guess when that cold snow hit their feet it was like that feeling of jumping into cold water.
It took them a full two minutes to tip toe back into the coop. My prissy chickens. They gave me seven eggs yesterday so I guess I can't complain.
So sorry Mom2emall and Theron. Hope things go better.

Welcone to newbies!!!

Its is ccccoooollldd out there!!! My fingers and toes are still warming up.
Walked in coop this morning and had feathers everywhere! I though my ladies were through molting but a SLW and an EE decided that a new coat of feathers during an actic blast is a great idea

Watching some TV then off to buy feed. Y'all have a good day!!
OliveHill, I think you just showed me what to give my mother-in-law for Christmas...she loves Jack, and these are wonderful! I wonder if its possible to freeze extras- because she certainly couldnt eat a dozen by herself.
eeek. I'm glad that those that experienced the accidents are OK. I am scared to get out this morning, since coopersville has a BAD reputation for road care. Even with glare ice, i have seen no salt/sand at times; combine that with impatient drivers and a hilly town..... I usually sneak out the back way and go real slow. Let them pass; i know what my car can do! (Clunker, not much) I have heard that whiplash can be a lingering thing; i might've gotten it when i bounced the steering wheal myself. i still think that is the source of many headaches. If you can afford it at all, a chiropractor can be a real lifesaver. I went once for a really bad back and he did my neck too, and it felt soooo much better. if only i could have went a few more times....
For the cold ones, i can say only 2 words: good leather gloves! (ok 3) they gotta fit tight and be flexible. I have scarecrow hands and i shelled out the x-tra last year and holy toledo what a difference. As long as you keep them waterproof, you can grab right onto ice and lift it ! (I get the lucky goat chore)
Mom2emall - if you make those cupcakes I bet your mother in law would eat the dozen!
And if she can't, I do freeze cupcakes all the time. Never had a problem.
Glad your power is on and you are not feeling too poorly! The heating pad suggestion was a great one!

Frosty and cold (24 degrees) in Grand Rapids but the sun is trying to peek out.

My 2 young Isa's and older D'uccle have been outside a lot this week, even yesterday. If the sun is out, they are drawn to be outdoors, no matter what the temperature.

The Isa's had never seen snow but they bravely marched around in it. The ground corncob on the floor of the coop caused them to stand on the perch for 24 hours and look at it. I even had to give them some food and water on the perch and then lift them down and set them in the corn cob bedding a few times. Finally they have adjusted and are walking on the new bedding. I have found that it helps my allergies a great deal to have changed the bedding from pine to ground corn cob. Someone at the feed store suggested the wood pellets/horse stall bedding but we opened a bag and I smelled it. Nope - too much like the pine, triggers allergies for me. So wood/pine/sawdust I cannot do. But corn cobs - yes!
Have you tried shredded newspaper for litter? I saw it in bales at TSC, it was about a dollar more expensive than the pine shavings. Unless your allergies are triggered by newpaper.
I thought it was a good iddea, but instead of buying it, I'll shred my own.
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