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June 9th it is. Make sure you book it up before someone else does. You don't want to have to break tradition and have it on a weekend when I'm available.
I'm slowly catching up after being off line for a couple days and you all are talking about my favorite thing....cute dogs! We adopted a doberman from a rescue back in March and he loves everything soft and fuzzy...LOL. We had a cat at the time we adopted him and they just love each other. Then about a month ago, we took in a kitten with a broken leg. I think he knew something wasn't right with him because he instantly loved and protected it. So cute!

Ok, someone on here told me this way, and it is what works for me: Click on uploads, then browse. when you find the one off your computer you like, click it and open it; it should copy it back to the upload page. resize, unless you want it big, then submit. When it says it was successfull, highlight the picture's URL and press Ctrl C, x out of the page (you should be back to the post you're doing) Put the cursur on the spot you want the pic and press ctrl V. Should put the url there. to see if it's what you want, hit the preview button on the bottom of the post, scroll up.
Good luck, can''t wait to see your pics!
Hi ninechickens, and welcome to BYC and the Michigan thread

Gloomy and windy here but not raining (yet) - looks like rain and snow in the forecast. Oh well, guess that's why we live in Michigan.

What a sweet dog/cat photo!
OK, except today i try to do it and i am getting an error messege...
Maybe there's problems? Have to ask DH if he changed anything when he monkeyed with the computer yesterday. Anyway, i've been using that method for a month now and this is the first time i have had a problem getting a pic up....
is this part of the egg? or "foreign"???? Part of the egg would mean too much potassium or something along that line. I got a "sandpaper" egg after feeding my girl one too many bananas
felt kinda bad, seeing what she had to pass! ouch....

Somewhere on the BYC forum there's charts with pictures of abnormal eggs (and poo) That are really useful for figuring stuff out. (Really gross, though
) If you google it on the top of the forum page you should be able to find it.
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I put up a higher fence for the ducks. I got home yesterday and they were in the stream again. Lol. With as much rain as we are supposed to get I don't want them in it again today. Geez... Ducks. What a funny, frustrating, set of animals!

welcome all newbies.4
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