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is this part of the egg? or "foreign"???? Part of the egg would mean too much potassium or something along that line. I got a "sandpaper" egg after feeding my girl one too many bananas
felt kinda bad, seeing what she had to pass! ouch....

Mostly attached some rubs off.
As long as they're not soft little white dots....... If they're hard and colored with the egg shell it's some kind of mineral overload. Google "sandpaper egg" on the forum page and somewhere on there is a chart of abnormal eggs, with pics. It's not as bad as it looks, if this is it, just change their feed and in a few days all will be well again
Now if you have bug eggs there, that's another story......
Problem again.
This time it's a broody hen. A Buff O , Does that matter ? Hatched April. Has laid eggs regularly for a couple of months. BUT for the past (maybe three) wks she has done not much more than set on a nest. This started when there were three eggs in the nest. Not all hers . We removed them and took her out of the nest and into the yard (garden) .The sog returned to nest. We took her out. ditto, ditto, ditto. The other hens don't seem to bother her at all . When we open the nest door she is all spread out, puffed up and her eyes are closed. Kinda stuporus state. Sleeping ? She begins to shiver. Some days she will Squwak, Cackle LOUDLY First time she did that the other four ran, I say RAN over to her, mingled for a few munutes then ignored her. I took her off the nest an hour ago. put her down in leaves a foot deep in the cov ered run. It's raining here too. The others are foraging in the garden. I look out the window often but have not seen her out there. I suspect she is still puffed up in the leaves. To me, she seems to be losing weight. Not unreasonable since she eats and drinks very little. Just BROODS away. I thought they were supposed to sstop the broody stuff if removed from the nest enough...... HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH ? I seem to recall also that sometimes they just keep at until they die. I'm scared. Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance.
Oh, my heart just melted. What a beautiful Dobe. I was the president of a Doberman Rescue group for 5 years until I had to move due to work relocation. We placed so many beautiful Dobes and I still hear from people who adopted from us. At one time I had 12 Dobermans in my house. Loved every single one of them.
Oh, my heart just melted. What a beautiful Dobe. I was the president of a Doberman Rescue group for 5 years until I had to move due to work relocation. We placed so many beautiful Dobes and I still hear from people who adopted from us. At one time I had 12 Dobermans in my house. Loved every single one of them.

Bless your Heart, I think they are a beautiful dog, wish my husband did. He'll probably want another Lab when the time comes.

The serpentine belt just went out on my van. I was trying to turn into my neighborhood, and couldnt turn the wheel. Last time this happened, I ended up with Libby goose. No goose this time..lots of rain but no goose. Of course, thankfully, I was close to home this time.

So, does this mean that the pulley is fried? Who goes through two belts in six months?

No money either way, so it doesnt matter.

The court NAILED my son. He was an idiot dont get me wrong. had he NOT had alcohol on him, he would not have gotten this fine. However, it wasnt open, it was under the passenger seat, and he had not been drinking YET. We sat in court and listened to the people with lawyers getting away with six months probation for theft and second offense d.u.i..probation and an alcohol class for a 1st offense d.u.i.
he was very polite to the judge, no prior offenses,working making 6 dollars an hour delivering pizza etc. He was fined six months probation- he must report each month and test for alcohol and drugs, he must pay 30 dollars a month to probation, he must take an alcohol class (@$250), he must pay fines and fees of $800 dollars, and something else that costs $100.

I was trying to find my "center" by watching the baby chicks with their mama, out my bathroom window- and I just noticed that the babies do not have black skin. I thought that silkie crosses always had black skin? *well, obviously not, because mine dont, lol*....confused now though. I have a silkie mix from Keyt and a hmmmm...where did that white chicken come from....another white chicken that I dont know where I got her....so, I dont know what she is. HMM. AND two silkies and a frizzle that bred with the turken so the babies could be any of theirs.

hmmm I am going to have to go back in time through posts to remember where I got the white girl from. I hatched her out? Maybe. That wont help me then.
I will post her picture in a little while and someone can tell me what she is.
Welcome all the newbie's!!

Love the dog pictures everyone....I think dogs have the most expression filled eyes and faces! Love them.

Oh...rain here too. BAH....HUMBUG!
rbahmer when I want to break a broody (and orps are good at it) I have a wire cage that I put on the floor in the middle of the coop with water and food in it and leave them in there for several days. Usually they snap out of it (for now).
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