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I wish I was sleeping in. Stayed up way too late last night trying to play catch-up. I know better than that, because it rarely works. And then I'm just left tired and still behind in the morning.
Morning everyone,
Love all the pics and chit chat...you guys never cease to amaze me at all the posts.This weather is crazy but my chickens love it. They were ALL OVER THE PLACE yesterday...way out back, up front, in the garden and even on my deck looking in. Looking for treats of course. Egg count is going back up , 8 yesterday.
All these pics & talk about new chicks is getting me excited for spring. I've been narrowing my decisions down to what kind & how many to get.

Gonna head north in a bit to look for snow. I doubt I'll find any.

Have a great day everyone!!
what a gorgeous bird!! love the blue skin
This is our showgirl we hatched out last year...the poof is a little dirty but it's so darn cute! :)

Well, according to WILX out of Lansing the long-lead forecast for Michigan for the next 90 days is predicting above average temperatures to continue -- and the meteorologist there "thinks" it will pan out. I hope they're right.
Love the mild winter we have had. The worst weather we had of course fell on the week-end my boys went to Cleveland to the rock&roll hall of fame.

I have missed you..very much so- in fact a thousand pages back somewhere, I mentioned you were missing...however, when you appear, my will power to say NO just dissipates ...

My swamp is half frozen. Filling it in this spring with dirt. Lots n lots of dirt and going to plant on it. Sorry, wild mallards. No more mosquito/malaria/sea creature breeding for me.

I tried to hide my yard last year with bamboo fencing, grape vines and a billion morning glories. It looked great until the people behind us hacked my grape vines and then...
the marigolds took over my bamboo fence and overloaded it top-heavy, and brought the whole thing down..

Gave the neighbors a great view of my world.

Now back to you all who want an Uggo of your very own...Take your pick The boys have to go Click on the picture to make it bigger:

love all the pics, they are so sweet, no little roos for me, my big EE would kill it

Raz, love the pic with the chickadee on your shoulder, I can't get the ones around here to do that. Not patient enough I guess

Well good morning to all, Farmerboy hope your stray is back this AM. I am going to both classes. I am in Belding, just off 44, can meat here if you would like or at a car pool lot by the highway.Will probably try to leave about 6:30 maybe earlier about 1hr to get there and 30min to park and find the right building
love to have some more company.
welcome back Jen.

RIRJen, that's one of the prettiest naked necks I've seen. Love the dark skin and blue!

Farmerboy hope your bird made it home this morning.

1mutt.. yeah lots of bugs this year I'm afraid. I worry that it will also be a hot dry summer too. But, then again, it may be a good long growing season for the garden. Last year my garden was pathetic so we really need a good one this year so we can restock the canned goods!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
I hate bugs, chickens love bugs. bugs love chickens. CN sawdust had a 50lb bag of food grade DE for $22
had a good walk this AM had to get out before the road turns back to mush, such a nice time of year to live on a dirt rd. Heard the Lake start to break up, that was cool, never heard that before... Let the hens out already, they love that, Maybe they will eat some of the bugs before they get to multiply.

what does the P stand for in the TGIF?? Were I work it is TGIS cause we work Sat....P=pretty?
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Farmerboy I hope your peahen makes it home ok or you find it. I had a Polish gone for three days and I found her wandering around just fine so don't give up hope.

I have yet another question, this is for those of you who have roosters, more than one. My favorite Roo Al is a Polish. He is a great rooster but gets picked on by the hens. They pluck his feathers out and peck him bloody on his head and tail, ok he doesn't have a tail right now. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/526515/rooster-toupee I have never seen him even scuffle with the other roos. So I have tried everything to get them to leave him alone. At this point all I can think of is to separate him, my concern is if I do that then when he goes back he may end up fighting with the roos. What do you think? I have 6 roos. 3 Standard and 3 Bantam.
I am looking for a good home for a pair of Seramas. We are no longer going to have poultry because of our extremely busy schedules and my kids are no longer in 4H. These are chicks out of a pair that we got from Jerry so they are good stock. We also have cages and numerous other items for anyone interested to go through. These birds have never been outside during winters and I dont know that they would handle it well right away.

We are in North Branch (Lapeer County) and they are for pick up only please. I can be contacted through email [email protected]
Farmerboy I hope your peahen makes it home ok or you find it. I had a Polish gone for three days and I found her wandering around just fine so don't give up hope.

I have yet another question, this is for those of you who have roosters, more than one. My favorite Roo Al is a Polish. He is a great rooster but gets picked on by the hens. They pluck his feathers out and peck him bloody on his head and tail, ok he doesn't have a tail right now. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/526515/rooster-toupee I have never seen him even scuffle with the other roos. So I have tried everything to get them to leave him alone. At this point all I can think of is to separate him, my concern is if I do that then when he goes back he may end up fighting with the roos. What do you think? I have 6 roos. 3 Standard and 3 Bantam.

you may have to rehome him, I think the other roos will go after him big time when he comes back. He will still be the underdog. Can you separate him with a couple hens for company? then they may form their own little group. Good luck with that.

Sorry pic did not load

those are tooo cute
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