Microscopic bugs?

Sulphur Flour based Mite Treatment:

@Tesumph thank you.

It has become too cold here for comfort to continue to spray permethrin so had to find an available (in Canada) powder based animal insecticide/pesticide. Sulphur quickly came up, has been "in use for 170 years"; it is also a common farm animal feed additive. I was able to buy 55lbs for <$50 at my local feed store.

I have realized getting rid of mites is a process not an event. For my next attempts I will apply sulphur directly to skin around vent, under wings, back, neck and chest weekly for the next two months. Inspect frequently. Application via plastic dust dispenser.

Sulphur also added to:
  1. indoor and outdoor sand/ash baths,
  2. all nests,
  3. along roosts/supports,
  4. hanging gauze bags over pop doors and nests (brush by application),
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Have you tried frontline spray? You may not want to use it because it’s not approved for poultry but frontline spray and sevin dust has always worked in 24 hrs. Not once since I’ve started using that combination at the same time has a bird had any NFM the next day when I checked.
@roosterhavoc I have not tried either. I have come across Sevin dust in my research and I can get it in Canada. I have heard of Frontline for cats/dogs did not know it was useful for chickens but not available easily in Canada; any residuals or egg impacts?

I am hoping that sulphur will help but prepared to try something else if it does not.
@roosterhavoc I have not tried either. I have come across Sevin dust in my research and I can get it in Canada. I have heard of Frontline for cats/dogs did not know it was useful for chickens but not available easily in Canada; any residuals or egg impacts?

I am hoping that sulphur will help but prepared to try something else if it does not.
Neither are approved for poultry use. I generally treat all my birds in late fall after molting or late winter when the birds aren’t really laying anyway.
I have been using the same treatment for all my birds without issue for over 10 yrs. That’s treating just once a year.
I spritz a tiny spray of frontline under each wing on the skin and 1 around the vent and then dust the birds with sevin dust all over. I just make a powder puff with panty hose and tie it off. Less waste this way and the powder will get down into the feathers better. I’m not kidding about the “gone in 24 hrs” works every time. None of this spraying permethrin constantly or worrying they’ll come back in a few weeks.
Correct me if I am wrong but recurrence is from larvae rather than adult stage mites?

Are you suggesting that your treatment kills both adult and larvae stage mites?
The mites lay eggs, the larvae mature into nymphs within hours and start sucking blood. The fipronil (frontline) disrupts their nervous system killing them all.

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