Mid January Hatch thread....

It's Day 12 for my little ducky eggs - candling shows only 6 of the 12 are growing. I guess the other 6 were infertile or too shook up from shipping. Still, I'm hopeful that I get a few little calls in a few more weeks.
My broody, Matilda, is all moved into her new diggs. For a second, I thought she was going to reject her little house, but the second I showed her the fake eggs she tucked them under her belly, sat down & hissed at me when I opened to door to put her water dish in the crate. I guess she's happy, LOL!

She hasnt moved an inch, despite the curiosity of her 7wk old pen-mates (her crate door is closed so they cant get in, but they can see her), the commotion I made while cleaning up, and the rumbling of the washer & dryer... I'm guessing that she's gonna be okay? The pen-mates will be moved out into the big coop by the time her eggs hatch and her brood box (a large dog crate) is covered by an old blanket on 3 sides to keep it darker and give her some privacy.

Can I put her eggs under her tonight, or should I wait until tomorrow? She seems pretty content...
I have 27 Marans eggs from crfarm and the Gary Farm in my incubator. They are due to hatch the 14th. I just candled tonight and 22 out of 27 are developing. Keeping my fingers crossed! I just adore Marans and am really hoping to add some to my flock. Good luck, everybody!
I would go for it if she is settled in
I have a broody light Sussex sitting on RIR eggs:) Deb

... done! 14 mixed bantams and 1 irretrievable green plastic easter egg are all nestled in place under a sleeping Matilda! Let the waiting begin!
I got a dozen Serama eggs, maybe I will give them to the broody silkie, well some of them. I heard they are hard to hatch, so I will let her work on it:cool:
6 barred rock
1 rir
5 ??????????????????

Set eggs at 9:30pm December 30
Will rotate at 7:00am, 3:00pm and 11:00pm

temp was at 100.0 when eggs were set.
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