Mid march hatch a long

I'm hatching my first batch of mixed breed adnd serama eggs from my chickens. They are due out on the 19th. I candled and discarded one on them on day 7. We candled them yesterday but I am unsure what I am looking for. One of them had a very large air space and all the other's seem good to go. I want to do it one more time before I start sending for eggs. I really want to get into raising seram's but I do feather work so that is a factore also.
I just wrote a long story and lost it. GRRRRRR
SO I will make it short this time. LOL I joined this thread several weeks ago and have been reading all you comments. My eggs where supposed to start hatching tomorrow but last nite the first one hatched. I know I did the counting right because I did it on the calendar or I would say I was off.

My temps started good but then spiked and then dropped after I got it back to good again. I just couldn't get it to go up to the right temp and it has been running around 99, 98, down to 96 once in a while. So I didn't have much hope for anything out of this bunch of eggs.

My roo has too many hens to begin with so I knew not all were fertile. I set 24 eggs and threw out four early on that were clear and blood ring. The rest of eggs where too hard for me to see into.

So yesterday evening I got a hatch out of one little green egg. It hatched out really fast once it started but had a hard time dealing with the other eggs and the crack between the wire and wall so I took it out. It has been very lethargic and does not stand up yet. It has been under a light and 100 degrees in the outside circle of the light. Where he stays. He can move around but doesn't stand. His fluff has not fluffed although he is dry.

Then a while ago another one hatched. He is doing better than the first one already. I left him in the incubator because he is bigger and can deal with it. This was a brown egg and I think it is a sex link. It has a black streak on its head.
Now I have two more green eggs pipping and the second on of the two is doing more than the first one. I think the first one is the same egg as my first baby so it might be weak. sigh.....and this is the short version. LOL

OK I have pictures the first ones are the first chick
Looks like a mowhawk LOL
This was just a little while ago and he is still now fluffed out. But he did poop and got up on his feet but very unsteady. Looks like maybe his toes are bent funny.
Here is the latest chick with the black mark on his head. Crummy pictures and I am sorry. Taking through the glass it doesn't want to focus right.
Does that black spot mean a roo??
big feet so I am thinking a roo

I am really happy
to have all these after thinking I would get nothing from this with the too many hens for the roo and first time operator and incubator. I have plans for improving both though.
you people are KILLING me. Mine don't hatch until st patrick's day. i don't think i can wait, and if i were to get none i may cry!!! lol my daughter won't think much of her dad then i think i may be more excited than she is.
Well, I took out 7 chicks. They were all over the incubator and even touching the heating element, that is why I took them out They even got into the plastic storage dish with the sponge. I have 6 more eggs in the incubator and not even a pip on them. Temps and up and down but within range humidity up and down too. So I am sitting on my hands until some thing happens or 3 days.
you people are KILLING me. Mine don't hatch until st patrick's day. i don't think i can wait, and if i were to get none i may cry!!! lol my daughter won't think much of her dad then i think i may be more excited than she is.

I know how you feel! I go into lockdown on Friday. Monday is hatch day so I am guessing Sunday they will start (a day early like normal) Good luck!

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