Mid march hatch a long

Mine started chirping from inside the egg early on day 20. :)

Well, I have quite a time getting the temps up. This is on the egg-o-meter. The thermometer at the top of the eggs is OK. I think it will be OK. I don't hear anything or see any movement. Humidity is 67%. I am constantly checking. When should I hear chirping or see rocking? I will keep everyone posted ( posting keeps these fingers busy ).
I think it depends what time of day you set them. I set my first batch around 2pm on a Sunday, so technically I counted Monday as day one and that made a Sunday day 21. But the first chicks actually hatched late in the day on Saturday, day 20. I imagine if I went to the lengths of counting actual hours, I might get a better idea of when exactly to expect peepers. But then so many things can influence incubation anyway. I guess I'm just happy when they hatch, whenever that is. :)

I got 3 egyptians hatching out now and day 21 is not until tomorrow afternoon.
Boonskiller don't worry. You are like I was. I didn't think any would hatch and I a so tickled. 4 out of 24 eggs and I am happy as a lark. I will leave mine in until I think there is no possiblity because they weren't supposed to hatch until tomorrow. I know I counted right. and my temps were not good at the last here they went down and I couldn't get them back up. so it wasn't high temps. just strange I guess. I went and got some turkens to go with them because I love them and my turken eggs aren't fertile. They wont let the roo near them. They are older and have it over him. LOL So hope I get a least one hen out of the 4.

Two new ones. and now for the turkens and the two old ones.
Shows the four turkens and one of my babies.
Two and two. The little one is my first one. He is just now getting around pretty good.
These are the newest... 11 and counting.

Todays the day ! Waiting on the little fuzzies to start getting out of their shells, Hard to wait on them. Good hatching wished for everyone.
Hope yoa all have a great day.
To repeat what I posted on the St. Patty's Day thread (and it bears repeating):

I have marked, in large letters, on the top of the styro: DO NOT OPEN LID!!!!

It will be my mantra for the next few days: DO NOT OPEN LID!!!!

(Say it again!) DO NOT OPEN LID!!!!

(Sing with me!) DO NOT OPEN LID!!!!



Now if I can just leave them alone
I still have my eggs in lock down. The chicks are out and with the hatchery Turkens I got to keep them company. I am not expecting any more eggs to hatch but I don't want to take a chance so will leave them another day or two.

It is so cool to see the new babies everyone is hatching.
Well, I had 7 hatch out of 13 eggs.they hatched 12 hrs early. I left the others in the incubator and when I woke up I had another chick hatch out.
I am doing a happy dance. I don't think he rest will hatch but I will leave them alone for another day. I want more eggs but I will resist.

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