Mille Cochin Info

Here is a sampling of the 20 chicks I hatched a few weeks ago. Some are looking real nice, some are still quite brown and partridge, but overall I am pleased with them. I think I got more roos than hens though, lol.
One is looking blue(?), I have no blue in my flock so not sure what happened there. But he is cute.












A litle better pic of my new 3. The little light one, every feather has a white tip, but no black "V"

I haven't gone through and made a little baby pic thing for the other 2, like I have this one...did it this morning. Should be illegal to be this dang cute!
All those babies are SO cute!

I recently got this pair (and am slogging through 300+ pages of this thread - getting there!)

Can you please give me a critique on these two to tell me what I HAVE and what I NEED?
And if they are of breeding quality??

(These guys have been posted on here before! I got them from 1MommaHen!)
They are 9mths old and have SUPER temperaments!

He's on alert here - just arrived to the farm!

Her little bald head should grow back - right??

Cadeau--her feathers will grow back after molt. Roos are tough on hen's feathers!!
Here's some of my Feb hatch MFC split pullets. Really like their body type. I'd much admired the hen of Nadine's who had the golden brown neck feathers over mottling. One of my pullets is showing the same coloring

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anyone have bantam pair (YOUNG) they are interested in finding a home for?

i recently tried to hatch some mille cochins but i only got 2 out of 12. one died b/c it was a late hatch i think it was a bad batch of eggs because none of the others developed. anyways the chick i had left is a female but i have a female already i got from a byc member.... i was hoping new chick was a rooster but its definitely a pullet. soooo i need a rooster i would be interested in a pair though might as well make it 3 gals
. i want them young. maybe 1.5 to 2 months old tops. that way i can sneak in with the chicks i have already @ not have too much of an issue. i cant do an older one, because my big chickens are on quarentine right now because of avian pox so i would have to put it in with the babies. thanks anyone! I would take anything ya got, if not too expensive.
I may have what you are looking for. Someone is in front of you, they have first choice.
I am in MA, it would have to be a pick up. There are photos of my chicks on this thread, they are just about the age you are looking for.
I have a 2 month old Trio for $75 plus shipping and box. I will have to take pics if you want to see them. PM me if you are interested. I'd like to ship them this week, soon it will be too hot to ship.

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