Mille Cochin Info

Hi all! I havent been on the boards in a while so I just noticed this thread! I have a few of these beauties myself and would love to know what you think of them. I might be interested in trying my hand in the breeding thing with a little guidance if my birds are good enough
These girls were hatched out by me in the spring and the roo went to live in the next town since one neighbor didnt like him too much (started throwing things over the fence at them!) But he can come back for a conjugal visit in the spring



my lovely "Bella"


and "Rooster Cogburn" a few months ago. He did deepen in color some since and was head of the pack here and man did he love to hear himself crow! lol.
Thanks everyone!
2kidsn'chickens :

Hi all! I havent been on the boards in a while so I just noticed this thread! I have a few of these beauties myself and would love to know what you think of them. I might be interested in trying my hand in the breeding thing with a little guidance if my birds are good enough
These girls were hatched out by me in the spring and the roo went to live in the next town since one neighbor didnt like him too much (started throwing things over the fence at them!) But he can come back for a conjugal visit in the spring
my lovely "Bella"
and "Rooster Cogburn" a few months ago. He did deepen in color some since and was head of the pack here and man did he love to hear himself crow! lol.
Thanks everyone!

I am definitely not the expert here, but I would say you have some nice looking birds there, and definitely good enough to start a breeding program.​
2kidsn'chickens :

Hi all! I havent been on the boards in a while so I just noticed this thread! I have a few of these beauties myself and would love to know what you think of them. I might be interested in trying my hand in the breeding thing with a little guidance if my birds are good enough
These girls were hatched out by me in the spring and the roo went to live in the next town since one neighbor didnt like him too much (started throwing things over the fence at them!) But he can come back for a conjugal visit in the spring
my lovely "Bella"
and "Rooster Cogburn" a few months ago. He did deepen in color some since and was head of the pack here and man did he love to hear himself crow! lol.
Thanks everyone!

Hey :) Nice Birds ! Is Greenfeild Close to Taunton?​
Those look like VERY nice mille fleur cochin project birds! Yes, please DO get on the bandwagon and help us breed toward getting this beautiful variety recognized. The more people breeding for quality MFC, the sooner we'll reach our goals!
I breed and exhibit Silkies, but I have just acquired some of these sweeties!!! I got 3 5 month olds...a cockeral and 2 pullets...I am very excited...don't have any pics yet..I know...should have had pictures before I posted!!!LOL I will be following this thread closely....
Congratulations on your first step into the wonderful world of Mille Fleur Cochins! Oh, you are in for SUCH a treat...

How wonderful to have someone expeirenced with showing her birds in on the project. We'll need lots of people showing when the time comes to get this variety accepted!

Who did you get your trio from? Can't wait to see photos!

Nancy ~ in Minnesota, where we were treated to a sunny, 65 degree day yesterday and I let my California MFCs out to play in the backyard. Photos on my chicken blog later this morning...
Hey Sunshine, I'll have to agree with what's been said and say Welcome aboard. We are a friendly bunch all interested in the same goals and are happy to share our experiences while striving toward that common goal. And, it is great to have a seasoned poultry fancier help with the project. We need as many as we can get.

I just said a few posts ago how I log on everyday and there is another person anxious to start and it is true! hahahhahahah MFC's are taking over.
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they're taking over because they're ssoo darn cute....
okay, MF are cute reguardless of breed, cochin are cute reguardless of color... put them together and tehy will take over the universe!!!!!!!!!
they're taking over because they're ssoo darn cute....
okay, MF are cute reguardless of breed, cochin are cute reguardless of color... put them together and tehy will take over the universe!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a plan to me!!!

I put some pictures of my California "Golden Girl" (Blanche) on my blog today. She had quite the adventure flirting with TROUBLE yesterday...


LOTS more photos on this morning's blog post!


Have a GREAT day, Everyone!


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