Mini Barn Coop


Your wife is going to love it.

think of all the loving your going to get for that Beautiful Coop!~

Cool coop! Love the lines and the barnwood. You might re-think the stain inside. A white or very light paint makes the interior lighter and will help with egg production according to what I have read. Have read where a window with eastern exposure is helpful to maintain egg production as it gets the chooks started earlier. Linoleum flooring is a big help as it cleans easily and does not retain odors. I keep 6" of litter on mine, but it is easily hosed off when litter changing time comes.
Thanks for all the compliments! It's nice to hear from everyone that have the same interest in chickens. When I started this coop I didn't know about this forum, then the other day I was browsing the internet and stumbled accross it. I had no idea there were so many chicken obsessed people like myself.
It's nice to know that there is a support group!

my name is Jeff and I'm a chicken addict...
You can think of it more as an enabling group that will feed your addiction with more eggs to hatch, more chickens to get, more coops to build........more, more, more......

Course you could sell that great coop to help finance your addiction
At the risk of being repetitive, that is a work of art! I'd love to see the look on your wife's face.

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