Miniature pincher?

We have a minpin. She's the best dog I've ever had. She's just over 18 pounds. She only barks if someone knocks on the door. Very willing to chase a squirrel across the yard. Your dog looks a lot like her, but not a match.However, tonight she's very sick, and has been for several days.
We have a minpin. She's the best dog I've ever had. She's just over 18 pounds. She only barks if someone knocks on the door. Very willing to chase a squirrel across the yard. Your dog looks a lot like her, but not a match.However, tonight she's very sick, and has been for several days.
I’m sorry your dog is sick. I hope she gets feeling better real soon. I think Minpin Chihuahua cross is probably the most likely. I thought she was too tall to be a Chihuahua or a Minpin but maybe not.
the problem is, being a mix she could be a couple dozen different breeds lumped together. And it's unlikely that any purebred animals that may be close in generation were well-bred examples of the breed. So that makes it even more difficult. I know some who had a 30lb min pin. Horribly bred dog but 100% pure. Just poor breeding and a bit of overfeeding.
The breed DNA tests are unreliable unless the parents are purebred or at most a couple generations back. Dog DNA is too closely related by breed to differentiate in that way. The one with the best results is probably Wisdom Panel as they are the ones actually creating the database. But traits are carried over multiple breeds even if not expressed and that is what those tests look for - genes that cover traits known for a certain breed.

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