
That explains the absence of chicken poop in my yard.
Rosie will gladly run down to the lake for a quick roll in goose droppings.

My pups like the frozen poo but leave thawed poo from our layers alone. What they live and die for is when we have broilers in tractors during the summer. When I move the tractors they go nuts! It is a constant battle to keep them from chowing down the broiler poo
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When I was in the Navy, we had to get our flu shot every year, the day before Thanksgiving. A great time to give someone a shot like that! I never had a reaction and my arm never really hurt much from it. Some people would get pretty sick though. I don't see the point now, except last year when I got so sick for the Winter and couldn't shake it.
My cold seems to be getting better finally, but now my son and husband have it. I got to sleep in my own bed last night for the first time in over a week because I was coughing so bad I would have kept everyone else awake. DH was in the Cities last night, so I could rest in my own spot. It felt so good!

Frozen poop treats are any dog's favorite, from what I have heard. Mine love it, but they are banned from going near the birds, so they just snatch what they can off my boots when they get the chance. They ate some frozen, semi-composted grass this week and then threw up on the carpet this week. I don't know where they found that!
Hello Minnesota,

Anyone interested in serama bantams? I have a few young birds to sell. They are a bit young to sex, but I think the three I'm not keeping are pullets. Ladysmith, Wisconsin.
What is it about chicken poop and dogs? My dog acts like it's a fat t-bone steak shaped in a chicken turd form.

@Minniechickmama , you better use some of that Thieves oil on yourself! You need sleep. Take some benadryl and we'll see you in 12 hours. Speaking of, I tried looking for the oil, but couldn't find it. Is it a eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender combo?
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