
Today I went to L&M with my dad for some fishing lures and I saw it was still chick days and of course they had the barred rock chicks in. I've been wanting 1 or 2 barred rocks and 1 or 2 black Australorps for almost a year but last year they were out of them before I could get to L&M. Man are those little buggers temping. I managed to restrain myself for today but next week I may have myself 2 little barred rock chicks in the brooder. ;) They only had 4 barred rocks left :( The only problem with that plan is my mom is not buying that I NEED more chickens. :/
I so understand your mom. When my daughter was 15 she asked for chickens. Her wonderful dad build her a grand coop. We went to the feed store purchased 8 chicks. The next day got a few more. This continued for a few weeks. We had 24 chickens that first year. Then she discovered Craigslist oh my:/ at one time she had as many as 45 chickens. Fast forward 5 years she's 20 moves out. Guess who is now taking care of her chickens? Yep that's right me:rolleyes: You see your mother is seeing 7 years down the road when you move out and leave all those lovely chickens behind.
Now my husband thinks he may have been a bit hasty in allowing the chickens. I've added 8 this year and my hens are setting on at least another 20. Now I'm trying to talk him into letting me raise Cornish X. It's an addiction. Your ever so wise mother sees into her future ;)
My mom had about 25 chickens when she was a kid and she didn't really like them so when I said I wanted chickens last year she she said no but my dad convinced her I could get some. At first my mom said I could get 4 but then my dad convinced her to let me get 6. So I ended up with 3 white rocks and 3 RIRs.( I originally wanted 2 barred rocks, 1 black Australorp, 1 buff Orpington,1 RIR, and one Easter Egger but sadly all L&M had left when we got there was meat chicks, RIRs, white rocks, and assorted heavy breeds. I thought it would be fun to get the assorted heavy breeds but they were straight run) So I currantly have 6 hens. :cd :yiipchick
Oh jeez. I didn't realize they spayed and caponized ! That is a bit off. I mean most people want the eggs and that would be a selling or adopting point if you ask me! Weird. I'm all for helping the animal bit but taking away some of the things they have going for you is not a good thing! Dumb.

On a different note, we went away on a camping trip and came home to this beautiful and miraculous sight. Thank you Minnie. We have one "olive egg" hatched and one "pipped". The other two didn't make it...but that's okay. We're tickled with Dixie and her new little ones.



Big and healthy chick. Responding to Mom's directions. Testing out some chick starter already. Beautiful and smart. Love it.

Edited to add this breaking news. Literally...

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Oh jeez. I didn't realize they spayed and caponized ! That is a bit off. I mean most people want the eggs and that would be a selling or adopting point if you ask me! Weird. I'm all for helping the animal bit but taking away some of the things they have going for you is not a good thing! Dumb. On a different note, we went away on a camping trip and came home to this beautiful and miraculous sight. Thank you Minnie. We have one "olive egg" hatched and one "pipped". The other two didn't make it...but that's okay. We're tickled with Dixie and her new little ones. :celebrate :jumpy Big and healthy chick. Responding to Mom's directions. Testing out some chick starter already. Beautiful and smart. Love it. Edited to add this breaking news. Literally...
Oh my gosh! They are adorable! :jumpy
I think they both have feathered legs. For sure the black one. I'll have to look more closely at the newer chick. It is definitely got bluish color to the fuzz! They are big and robust! beautiful. What is the mixture of the olive eggers you gave me, Minnie? Just curiousity.

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