
OK. I'll keep you in mind! Thanks!
Home with our six new chicks. The two RIR's are easy to pick out but which two are the Barred Rocks and which two are the Silver Laced, well, that a more difficult question. Both are black with some white markings. I guess time will tell.
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Home with our six new chicks. The two RIR's are easy to pick out but which two are the Barred Rocks and which two are the Silver Laced, well, that a more difficult answer. Both are black with some white markings. I guess time will tell.

I'm having the same problem! I'm new to chicks so the BR, SLW, and Australorps all look the same to me!
Ralphie, I am pleased that you have shared that video with us. I had been thinking all along that you named the Chantecler Ole and the Ameraucan or EE Ed, and now I find it is vice versa. I had been wondering about some of the comments about them and thinking that I would have suspected just the opposite of them. Now I know the reason.
That Turkey hen seems to be quite the Tart!
Well we've decided to take the plunge!!! Getting chickens =) We found a coop off craigslist still in it's box so we're getting it this weekend and setting it up. Now for the fun part, I've already mentioned this before but I really want certain breeds. I just think these ones are so beautiful, does anyone know someone locally that has these chicks? Russian Orloff, Dun Laced Wyandotte, Salmon Faverolle, Red Laced Wyandotte I did find someone who has Lavender Orpingtons so that's one off my list =)

Anoka Ramsey Farm and Garden might have some of what you are looking for - they get new chicks in once or twice a week. Minnie on here has at least one of these varieties I think (though she is not quite local from what I hear she is worth the drive).
Jbenson: I have to sadly agree with the advice Minnie is giving you. I become attached to the chicks with special needs fast however ask yourself do you really want those genes in any other young birds? In addition A weak bird is a bird a virus or bacteria can fester in and get a foot hold into your flock. Minnie always gives good advice, even if it is hard to follow.
Yeah, I was kinda afraid I'd have to cull it. It never did seem quite right - it was a late hatcher (a surprise actually - I went to turn off the hatcher the morning after the hatch completed and there it was pipping so I left it on for the day and out came this weirdo.). No, I most definitely DO NOT want these genes in my flock. In fact I'm getting out of frizzle altogether. I just happen to have a frizzle hen yet and so the genes slip in now and then when I hatch mixes. I don't keep any of them, they get sold for the most part, but this one isn't looking like it's gonna be in that camp. It would need to be rehomed to a pet home and that's hard for a rooster. And I wouldn't feel comfortable putting it with someone else until it's feathered (which I'm starting to think it might never do).

Culling is just so hard. I had to cull a cross-beak today. Fairly certain it was either a brooder injury or caused by errant children allowed to play with my chicks while I was not home (same kids who fried my egglets.) Nothing I could do, it would have starved anyways. I was watching it try to eat and it wasn't getting anything in it's mouth. Even when I know it's gotta happen, it's still one of the hardest things ever.
On the up side, I have enough eggs saved to refill the 'bator after last weekend's catastrophe. I was hoping for a dozen in my booted bantam project, but I don't have quite that many (I think there are 9 or 10 in the carton). Maybe I'll set tomorrow evening so I can try to get another egg or two out of that pen. I also have like a dozen or more of my guaranteed blue gene bird eggs (blue layers with blue gene roo) and the rest will be an EE mix (cream and tan layers under the blue gene roo). Though I'm sure fertility in my EEs will be down cause as of late I've had to keep the roo penned during the day to avoid risking complaint about his excessive crowing. He has turned into a serious loud mouth and since the city is working on moving backwards in the chicken world, the last thing I want is my rooster to be the complaint that throws the city council into an unrecoverable downward spiral (city code enforcer told me there were some very heated complaints about other people's roosters crowing in the past few months - luckily not mine.)
Not that I NEED more chicks...... but having a full 'bator get cooked this weekend really put me in low spirits and even a box full of babies from the farm and garden couldn't really replace what was lost. Plus I really really really want to know what comes out of the booted bantam project pen that my DH not only suggested, but almost insisted I do (he has become #1 enabler with my chicken math lately and encouraged me to hatch all the eggs and also to order some chicks to get some new breeds that he helped pick out). It's just that the ladies in my booted pen are laying like 1 egg a day for 3 birds. They were laying a lot more than that when it was freakishly cold outside. It's like they want to take a break for spring. I got 2 eggs out of there yesterday and did a little dance. They're perfectly healthy and have clean water and plenty of food and nothing has changed for more than a month in their world in regards to who lives in the pen - just being chickens.
Well IDK? I was just going to get a couple EE's and I went to Runnings yesterday to get some and they didn't have them yet so I had to go home empty handed. But while I was there I saw the adorable Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks so now I think I just want some kind of blue egg layer and a Wyandotte. I only want two chicks this year but I might bend a little.
Are Cream Legbars expensive? I don't know if anyone would have Cream Legbars around here though because we are kind of a chick 'dead zone'. (Sorry if I'm a little hard to follow)

I just happen to have 3 Crested Cream Leg bar eggs in the incubator hopefully they will hatch a week from tomorrow..

Do not worry too much about the expense, The banks give loans.

Now I am confused. The one in the video is Ole.

He is the Americauna???? EE??

I thought he was the partridge chanticleer...

just when I think I get the breeds down I find I have them wrong....
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