
I just finished my eggtopsy.

out of 8 eggs that did not hatch

4-non starters
3-stoppers early on
1 looked fully developed

Neither of the other 2 creamette eggs even started....(that makes me nervous)
A mink or Fisher?

That's like saying I saw a toy poodle or a St. Bernard......

Either way, good luck in removing it. It could make you chickenless in one night. Here is to hoping it trips, falls into a hole, hitting its head causing a blood clot that goes to it's heart, or an object traveling around 1800 FPS accidentally passes through it...

Seriously Good Luck....
He thought fisher but after looking pictures up online it is most likely mink.

So aside from sitting outside all night long waiting for it with buckshot, how would a person rid themselves of the mink? A live trap? I only have the small foot snare one I used last summer on the ground squirrels. Would that be effective? How do I keep the cats out of it?
The coop is WAY too big for just five birds! I told my wife she could pick the next batch, and she has decided some good ol' Buff Orpingtons would be nice. Would anyone know where I could score a young SLW or BO rooster?

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