
I saw your pic after my long message. I'm concerned she might get an issue with that close to the face. I wonder if liquid bandage will help stabilize it or help fill in the missing part of the beak until it grows out and down. There are some threads on here about broken beaks and people with great ideas.
About pain: they are prey animals with different ways of dealing with pain. That being said I'm sure she feels it. Liquid bandage may cover the exposed nerves and stabilizing the beak will no doubt help with pain too.

Edited for grammaticals.
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Da bear. Photo creds to the neighbors.
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I am pretty sure my birds are afraid of the dark. How dumb is that! They fuss and get all panicky when I turn the light out. Never heard such a fuss in my life. All I can do is shake my head at them.
cull is the correct term.  Before you do, be sure to read up on how to best cook a chicken that has been running around.  Otherwise, you may well be really disappointed in your first efforts.  Have to let the carcass rest, and best to brine it.  

First time I butchered xcess roosters, the first "dinner" was practically inedible.  I was so disappointed because I had heard so much about how much better the flavor was than storebought chicken.  Then found out all I had done wrong.  2nd try, it was divine, and after that it has gone well.  

This is what we are planning on doing with our excess Roos. How old do they generally need to be before big enough to butcher? And how old generally before their meat is tough? TY!
Nordic they would be good to go at maturity which is at the 20 week mark or so. They say when the testosterone starts really flowing the meat also changes flavor. ( not as good according to chicken meat connoisseurs.). Some people will even caponize to keep flavor intact. To me that's a lot of work and the birds still taste like chicken to me.
I am pretty sure my birds are afraid of the dark. How dumb is that! They fuss and get all panicky when I turn the light out. Never heard such a fuss in my life. All I can do is shake my head at them.

I have heard (on hear) so take it for what it is worth, turning the lights off can be traumatic on them, which is why I never use a light at night, other than my flashlight to catch them..

I am still in Florida, will be forever I am afraid. DW called the other day, I lost my largest BBW turkey. I had a cover on a bucket with watercups on the side/bottom, I had put a cover on the bucket that was easy to remove for my DW while I was gone. The silly bird someone got on top the bucket cover wrapped itself in the twine I had tied to the cover and fell into the bucket and drowned.

Turkey Poults are so dumb!

She says I lost a couple young chicks I never saw either, one had trailing yolk sack she sad when it hatched. The other was just weak. I have never had one hatch with that dangling yolk sac or umbilical and live yet. She says the Cochins are still not laying eggs, by the time I get home they will be in the general population. DW said she thought I needed to buy another game bird net and make a bigger run for the creamettes, There is hope for that woman yet! I wonder what Cochin creamette cross babies would be like? I am thinking "Fuzzy Chocolate Bars" for a name.
youza, did you find the part that was broken off? I've heard of people repairing beaks, I would do a search on it, does the under beak go all the way to the top? or does it stop and have a gap, I can't see from the photo. Hopefully it grows back, that looks horrible. Nothing like my broken beak, poor girl.
Well, it appears to be the top layer of the beaks "shell" and not the tip of the beak. In other words, she should be able to eat as the beak isn't broken off but the outer layer of the beak has been ripped off. Not sure if you can tell what I mean from the pics.


I would put liquid bandage on it. It will be protected from dirt and germs while it heals.

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