
I know you sell chickens at times. But do you ever hatch them to sell them? Do you sell eggs too? Seems like a perfect way for someone like yourself to earn a few extra bucks.
I will be this spring. Only mixed breed hatching eggs and duck eggs. I will be hatching and selling for some people this spring.
Thought I'd share some newborn chick pictures....who doesn't love the fluffyness? Well, the newly hatched chick picture is a bit gooey. I should open up a Miracle of Birth center in my living room full-time.


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Thought I'd share some newborn chick pictures....who doesn't love the fluffyness? Well, the newly hatched chick picture is a bit gooey. I should open up a Miracle of Birth center in my living room full-time.



Ohhhhhh... Now I want to have more ....
I wonder if they will hatch in the winter?
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Ohhhhhh... Now I want to have more ....
I wonder if they will hatch in the winter?

I just set about 3 1/2 dozen Silkie eggs this week. I only got a handful of Blues this year. Since the girls were laying really really well, I thought I would toss some in. Over half of them are developing. Some were over 10 days old when I put them in, so I will take what I can get.
ohh my 87 post-to catch up on... 1st i will give update on my day then i will go read them all hopefully before i fall asleep...

Today was pretty hard my Bella(dog) with 5 teeth left,, went to get them cleaned today, they put her out ended up taking the rest of her teeth so now i have 2 toothless puppies..LOL.. anyways she stopped breathing and they couldn't wake her up so they put her on oxygen and gave me a call. So i went there and sat with her all day. finally after almost 5 hours she started breathing on her own then they got her to wake up... I was so Happy Love my little girl.. The loss would have been to much right now.. I'm glad she is home, drugged up and drooling blood on my bed but I don't care... Now i have 2 dogs with stitches at this time.. And Im Happy...
Hope everyones Day ended well today with everyone Happy and Healthy...

and My chicken with the bad ear is doing awesome the swelling is almost gone now just mostly a scab, she is not yawning and scratching so much. couple days on Ivomec and it is doing wonders.. Thank You all for the help with her.. Im glad i didnt have to put her down.. maybe soon she can join her friends...
ohh my 87 post-to catch up on... 1st i will give update on my day then i will go read them all hopefully before i fall asleep...

Today was pretty hard my Bella(dog) with 5 teeth left,, went to get them cleaned today, they put her out ended up taking the rest of her teeth so now i have 2 toothless puppies..LOL.. anyways she stopped breathing and they couldn't wake her up so they put her on oxygen and gave me a call. So i went there and sat with her all day. finally after almost 5 hours she started breathing on her own then they got her to wake up... I was so Happy Love my little girl.. The loss would have been to much right now.. I'm glad she is home, drugged up and drooling blood on my bed but I don't care... Now i have 2 dogs with stitches at this time.. And Im Happy...
Hope everyones Day ended well today with everyone Happy and Healthy...

and My chicken with the bad ear is doing awesome the swelling is almost gone now just mostly a scab, she is not yawning and scratching so much. couple days on Ivomec and it is doing wonders.. Thank You all for the help with her.. Im glad i didnt have to put her down.. maybe soon she can join her friends...
Oh Coffee, what a day. {{{Hugs}}} Your poor babies. I'm glad they are all home and doing well. Glad to hear your chicken is getting better as well. The people here are wonderful and offer fabulous advice. Try and have a restful evening.

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