
Ok I now have a house chicken for the time being, I don't know what to do but I know I have to try one more time with her. She now has a home in my shower. Sorry to say but it's do or die. Last night after I gave her the anabiotic's I put her up on the roost with the other chickens and this morning I found her laying in the chicken run all by herself and her legs were ice cold and she didn't move and one of her eyes are completely sealed shut. I figure she got kicked out of the henhouse. Since the run is very secure I leave the pop door open all the time. I checked her over thoroughly I even got out a magnifying glass pulled back the feathers on her back, under her wings, her vent area and on the top of her head and I seen no mites lice or anything her skin looks very clean. I will continue to give her the antibiotics twice daily and hope that helps whatever she has going on. Then if she does get better the problem will be acclimating her back to the cold weather because she will be used to the warm bathroom.
OH what a perfect indoor coop! They make chicken diapers ya know. Just sayin'

Seriously though, good luck with her. I am so hoping for the best!
Coffee, I hope she gets better for you! What a great idea to use the shower! Hoping you have a second bathroom to use? We only have one, so that wouldn't work here.
So, I have another broody hen. Sometimes, they pick the worse time to go broody. The chicks are getting too big to section an area off in their pen, so Bob the hen may have to head to the dog kennel soon. Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, LOL

@Coffee 1st , sorry about your hen. My fingers are crossed for you. Looks like she's got a great home in that shower for the time being
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Yea but I've already treated them all twice little over a month ago and I guess it is only supposed to be treated twice a year.. I'm thinking like dogs we treat them once a month every month and if I have to treat the hen once a month every month then I won't be able to ever use her eggs.. Even if I decided to treat her once a month and never eat her eggs and just take on the care and responsibility of regular pet I wouldn't know her eggs from the others and especially since none of them have laid any yet because they are so young
That should have taken care of it. I would look at maybe an allergy then.
I like the shavings way better in winter. If they get frozen at all, you can still break it up, cleaning frozen straw is near impossible if it gets wet and poopy. I think that straw harbors creepy crawlies better too, including mice.
Clean her up and watch her. That is a tough one.
I told DW about your surprise goat and the sweater made from the arm of a sweatshirt and she didn't believe it at first. I had to show her the photos!

Just so you guys know, DW has dubbed you guys my 'chicken friends'
she said something the other day like 'I wish I had chicken friends...' And I about fell over laughing
LOL that's funny.... she should join us, then she can have chicken friends too!
My hubby refers to you all as my 'forum friends'. He has forum friends too, but they're boat and truck forums, not chickens.
Whenever I'm having a chicken issue he says "well what do your forum friends say to do?"
That is a 1965 65 horse Merc. I have done more work to it since this picture. But I didn't take it out once this summer. Matter of fact I have to go to where it is stored and put a new tarp on it.
I just got a chance to look at the pic on a bigger screen. That motor is beautiful, love all that chrome! 65 horses must really push that little thing along good!
Ours is a 25 horse Buccaneer, ugly noisy thing but I think it's original to the boat so that's cool. Way better than having a modern motor on it.
On a more somber note, my darling mother broke her right patella over the weekend. At the doc this morning with her.

And darn it all, I have to stay home with her on this gorgeous day!

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