
When I get up in the morning, I look in the mirror and wonder how my parents could have melded into this aging woman I see before me.  In my mind I still feel like the young woman I once was, but with more wisdom.  The child in me still lives there, one who is silly and playful and fun-loving, but I now see the world with such different eyes. My body reminds me almost daily that I am far from being young, but I am not even close to giving up and just sitting inside and knitting.  As crazy as some think I am for it, I love doing what I do.  Getting out every day keeps me feeling younger.  I hope I don't ever have to stop, because if I do, then surely the end will be near.

My life has taken many twists and turns. I've lived in four different countries. Suddenly my hands look like my mother's.
But I love where I am now. My sense of serenity is stronger than ever. My relationships are strong and winter doesn't bother me.
We are a hardy folk in Minnesota, and a bunch of cool chicks!
Kinda Cool..I wrote this on my FB couple months ago when i was in one of those deep thought moods. And one of my friends sent it to Woman`s Day magazines They sent my a Letter asking me if they could use it in one of their upcoming articles about women and aging with wisdom..  here is what i wrote  ````W[COLOR=141823]ondering when i lost the girl that use to dance in the rain and sang when i cleaned and made love outside in the sun. seems like it was yesterday but yesterday was so many years ago.. that girl has been replaced with someone who seems to be what im told we are suppose to be at this age.. I am my mother, My grandmother and her Mother before her.. I am wisdom,,, But I miss my young Spirit....`````[/COLOR]
Beautifully said.
Quote: Thank you - I too was spoiled by Ralphie's Roo Ole' - I miss that guy. :( He could have kept Rusty in line.

Right now it seems that only Gracie, my SB(LO), is the one hiding in earnest. I've decided when I moved the birds to the chicken palace (hooray we got it insulated yesterday!!! Now just a few more tweaks on the hardware cloth and their enclosure will be complete) that I'm putting him and the other roos in one of the houses outside the enclosure. He bred Gracie this morning and when he finished she literally ran as fast as she could and burrowed up into a hay bale and hid her head. I gave her a bath Saturday -- she still has what looks like to me - to be loose poop -- it's white and sticks constantly to her feathers. Another round of the wazine but I've not seen an actual worm in her poop yet. Anyway I bathed her - just warm water bath in tub - then blew her dry and set her up in a tall bin for the night. I'm dang near tempted to buy a set of chicken diapers and let her stay in the house - but the Doxies would be trying to eat her for lunch..

Any notion on the poop? It's formed like healthy poop - I just can't figure out the poopy butt. No body else has a poopy butt.

I'm paranoid too because Gracie (Rusty, Loretta, and Jade) are the remaining chickens from the batch I got where I lost 4 to roundworm in the brain. Gracie's boyfriend was the last death from it -- he was showing same poopy butt and no amount of worm meds helped - but of course the worms were already in his brain. :(

I've found a link to poulty medications - just wondering if anyone else has a preferred wormer? Does anyone use copper sulfate? I've read mixed reviews so now I am confused about it.
Kinda Cool..I wrote this on my FB couple months ago when i was in one of those deep thought moods. And one of my friends sent it to Woman`s Day magazines They sent my a Letter asking me if they could use it in one of their upcoming articles about women and aging with wisdom.. here is what i wrote ````Wondering when i lost the girl that use to dance in the rain and sang when i cleaned and made love outside in the sun. seems like it was yesterday but yesterday was so many years ago.. that girl has been replaced with someone who seems to be what im told we are suppose to be at this age.. I am my mother, My grandmother and her Mother before her.. I am wisdom,,, But I miss my young Spirit....`````
That's beautiful Coffee!!!
I cant wait for snow! Is anyone getting some?
Nothing here yet.... ours isn't supposed to start until tonight. The latest forecast I saw said 4-6 inches! I'll be glad to get some snow on the ground.

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