Miracle- Hello! guinea/chicken crossbreed


Looking good.
Hi everyone. I'm Miracle and since this is my story and I'm 9 weeks old today I decided to take over this thread. Mena, my caretaker, has been doing it and she will help me out sometimes. You know - spelling and such - but she isn't good at it either so she won't be much help.

Today was picture day because I'm 9 weeks old so Little Bit, Rascal, and I got to go out. First we visited the antique room in the barn. I sat on the pitcher pump and left them a poop there.

We sat in the window sill and left them a poop there.
We sat on the coutertop and left them a poo there too. It was fun. I love doing stuff like that to them. They keep us in a cage and that is how I get back at them.

After we left the antique room they took us to the horse stalls for a dust bath. Boy did that feel goooooood!!! I love a good dust bath!



Bella, the little kitten that was born about the same time I hatched, was playing in the horse stall too. She wasn't dust bathing though. She was practicing her mouse catching skills. For a minute there I thought she was going to practice on Little Bit, Rascal, and me but when I stood up and gave her the stinkeye she backed her fuzzy self up. Glad I learned to do the stinkeye because it is very useful at times like that.


Goodbye for now.


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