Miss buffy brings chicks in from the rain,,, pics of kitchen chicks

Love the collies! (looks like a border collie and a blue merle). Our collie (sable & white) is SO good with the ladies - very gentle. Looks like yours are. too.
Here's one more person I'm envious of. Some day I'm gonna get those BO's that I want so badly! Some day...

At least I have something to look forward to!
Beautiful mother and chicks. I love the BO's, too. I have 2 left from my original set of chicks and they are now 9 yrs old. I realized that I was going to really miss having some buffs when they are gone so I ordered some new chicks and now have 3 buffs and 3 white orpingtons, along with several other breeds, of course.

I see that you ordered your eggs from ebay. How was your hatch rate with shipped eggs?
hi , chicks had their first day in the big run,,,, no more house calls, but the gold comets got fed corn crackers in the kitchen yesterday and are ready to move in!!!

I bought my eggs from a nice man, I picked his eggs because I could buy 6 he sent 8,,,, and his pics of birds looked healthy. no pedigrees, no certificates. some of the pics on ebay, the birds looked sick, small space, poor feathers,,,,,yuck, not my birds.

I got 6 of 8 , alive, the ninth was possible good, but i tossed it, I wanted only 4-6, two hen replacement for me.
at three weeks, I have enough chicks!!!! hige size difference among chicks, think I have a least three girls.

the dogs are shelties,
ivan is 12 years old,,, agility champion, terror of sheep herder. fantastic house guard, old fashioned, sensible dog... just the best. requires chcik supervison for a week or so,,, god help the chciken that pecks his tail.....
kells, the black one, is double agillity champion, worlds included, age 9,, loves chicks, great sheep herder, wants to gather not drive...... working on it.
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I have a wide variety of chickens, including one GLW and 6 SLW's. So far my babies are very good natured. My GLW is partially blind and follows the other birds around and is VERY quiet and sweet. As for my SLW's, they have interesting personalities, but they are good natured, all of them. They get pushy with the other birds but they aren't mean or anything. I hope they stay sweet as they grow older and begin to lay. Tomorrow they will be 10 weeks old. I just got some banty Buff Orpingtons and I am hoping mine will be as super sweet as everyone else's seem to be. I know that when I go in and put my hand in the brooder and scoop one up, they are absolutely the most gentle little things, and so quiet! When I had my SLW's and Cochins in the brooder they peeped nearly 24 hours a day, even when we turned off the overhead light and only left on the red heat lamp! You ALWAYS knew they were there, lol. But with these guys, they are soooo quiet during the day, and at night when you turn the light off, they go completely quiet. They just nestle down and go to sleep right away. I already love them to pieces.
I have them in with 5 RIR cockerel chicks that came with them as packing peanuts and even those guys have fantastic personalities. I won't be keeping any of those guys though since I have like 8 roosters as it is! But I handle them constantly so that they are sweet and will go to a new home and hopefully make good pets. But with my Orpingtons, I look forward to many long, happy years with them. If I had a working camera I'd take pics of my babies and show them. I think the little Orpington chicks are about the cutest little things ever! And I love that you were able to have them come inside to the kitchen. Right now I have a bantam Barred Cochin hen that is following me everywhere, and I think that if I let her follow me up to the house, she would let herself in and stick around for awhile! I can't wait to see if my Orpies are like that too!
be warned,, not all buffys are fun.

I had one buffy, called stupid, ugly buffy that was not fun or nice,,,, just stupid and layed a hell of alot of eggs!!!!! more than pretty buffy.
she died about six weeks ago, cause unknown.
she may have disliked handling, but she was quiet and layed an egg a day!!!
Those are pretty shelties.

I have sighthounds, I DEFY anyone to train them to do that. Truly, I have been in dogs for years.

I have been trying to convince my husband that I need an English Shepherd. I really do, he would guard everybody including chickens, I need him. The chickens need him.

I need a dog who would walk with me to the chicken house and come in with me and not start creating chaos right and left.

And I love your kitchen chickens. BO's are the best.

What are GLW's?

Everybody has different experiences with chickens. I know that everyone I have ever talked to says that Cochins are nice birds, but some bantie Cochins I had were so mean I gave them away. One of the Roo's attacked me and left me with one hand dripping blood as I stood and stared in amazement.

I am very new to Chickens...I have 5 3wk old Buff Orpingtons and would like to know if anyone knows what to look for on the chicks to know if I have Pullets or roos???? someone said if you spread their wings and if the feathers are the same size all the way across then they are pullets....if you have a step down in size when spread then you have roos.....is this correct or any suggestions for me????...Please...thanks...
well , english shepards are wonderful,,,, if you can find a non inbred line... have worked a few, have one as a client now,, just adore him,,,, do not take a shy one!!!!! ( the client had a great dog, just no human training, dog tuned up in thirty minutes, humans, six weks)

all the working dogs are just so more "oriented" than sight hounds to farm work, but you must throw a ton of control on the jaws, up front. this does not mean that stupid dog whisperer guy. get a real trainer.
but you must not skip steps and ignore basic training!!!!!
if not a shepard look for a good, throw back, over sized sheltie,,, very similar gene pool.... just be very picky! try lynnmarr kennels,, they bred Ivan the wonderful. on the west coast, Caledon kennels or nothing else. lots of sheltie kennels have them, if you ask right....

dogs are like chickens, nice bred to nice gets nice!!! get rid of the rest.

glw = gold lace wyadotte, good layers, lovely to loook at , 5 pm break out artists in my garden,,, upsets mom and sister.

Back to stupid buffys.
asked my sister " what eggs should I buy from ebay for miss buffy?" " stupid ones", she yelled, "no freedom chickens". so i got more buffys.

( all chicks out side big pen at 8 pm, miss buffy hissy mad!, caught kids, found hole three, go to bed silly birds...).

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