Miss Peggy has one leg now... Woo Hoo pix added see # 42

YAY Miss Peggy! That's one determined lil Hen!
Congrats on your success with her deb

And yah, we need pics or video of her!
Went up to the house today to tend my animals. This time armed with my camera.

Because of attacks on my coop (started with 40 am down to six) this is how my coop is fortified, Chainlink core, inside the chainlink is Vinyl fiber glass barrier mesh around the top and around the bottom inside is plywood. inside on the weak side is Aviary panel. Outside it is fortified with Aviary panels and Visual barrier of tarp. I moved all perches from hanging from the wire to resting on saw horses... its been two weeks since the last attack.

Miss Peggy

Miss Peggy on the run with Miss Violet behind her

Miss voilet Who lost some neck skin during the same attack I just didint notice... she is healing very nicely too.

One of the males giving me the stinkeye

The whole crew There are two Pearl males and One Pearl female.... she is the biggest of all of them. Maybe a Jumbo?

I got video too but still have to post it to YouTube. Miss Peggy keeps behind the others so there is very little footage of her moving about. She does get pecked on occasion and litterally stepped on or over as they are doing their Jackbooting thing. But nothing seems over zealous.... Just "Ummm you get out of the way..." I know this behavior is partially due to my presence inside the coop. But It will be better once I get the run built....
You're right, she's right up on that leg and lookin' good

She looks like a Lite Lavender (and she carries both blue and tan genes) and Miss Violet looks like a regular Lavender. The large Pearl Grey Hen may have some Jumbo blood in her, I did get a batch of eggs from my friend that has last years' offspring from a Jumbo male Pearl Grey X Porcelain Hen that were in the mix when I was incubating eggs for your order (in hopes of getting enough dark colors for you!).

Glad you have not lost any more birds, Fort Guinea Knox accomplished! Congrats
I'm making a sign ""Fort Guinea Knox"" and some guineas carrying automatic weapons marching on either side......
and Can you run faster than a Guinea armed and dangerous....
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