MISSING HORSE!!! Near Columbiaville MI


9 Years
Aug 25, 2010
The horse is not mine but they have lost there horse for about a month now and they think someone stole it. I am helping spread the word because i know how much that can hurt.

Here is the website

If you live in michigan please spread the word, I know i would appreciate the help if it was my horse
I dont understand people sometimes. Why would you juust take the horse???
Probably because so many people here in the midwest are turning loose unwanted horses and leaving them to fend for themselves; it has become a big problem. This person who took the horse may feel she is doing the right thing, or they may feel that if the horse had gotten loose to begin with, that it was not being properly cared for/contained. (Of course they could also have just decided that it was a good looking horse and they wanted it no matter what, that's happened here too. Some get found and some don't.)

Let us hope that no matter what the case, they have the horse's best interest in mind and aren't going to use it for nefarious purposes.

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