Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

there really shouldn't be an age restriction on this as it would be nice to see what they looked like as chicks best thing for this would be a progression series from chick to adult as no 2 mixes look alike as chicks nor adults. i have 6 silkie/d'uccle mixes 2 adults looks like buff Columbine, 2 chicks with different colored feathers coming in and 2 solid black chicks and each one looks different
although i looking through the pics i also would love to see what they looked like as chicks
I believe that the OP said that you could post chick pics but you had to have an adult pic of the same bird to show as well. I am doing some crosses, and I will have pics to show. I am trying to do a progression thing, but it is hard to remember to take the camera to the coop with me at night when they are sitting still! LOL
From someone who lurks, the progression thing works best if all in one post, rather than having to move back and forth in the thread trying to find the associated pics.

And of course, those of you who are only interested in posting pics of your birds/chicks will post regardless of the intent of the originator and those of us who are really interested in what the actual crosses are.

Sorry OP, I just had to say it.
so way back in the spring of this year i posted i hatched out a frizzel cross (frizzel banti with a full size barred rock hen) well this is what i got a full size frizzel hen. I also crossed a turken roo with my barred rock hen and this is my barred rock turken (lol) i love these crazy girls. sorry pick is not better.
ok this is just another pick of her next of a young cochen.. my kids named her fuzzy. i really dont know what to call her since she is a full size frizzel.
Ok, so...at first I wasn't sure if the father was my brain damaged, frizzle, polish rooster Weeble, or the young stud (bbs bantam Ameracauna) George. The mother was without question, she is the only girl I had laying. Rose, the mother, is a buff silkie. After about a week I was surprised to find that the hatchlings are the progeny of Weeble! Not sure how he managed...he can barely stand on his own two feet. But apparently when he's focused, he can hit the mark. I would love to know what his feather pattern is. I'm not quite sure how to describe it.

The pic of the three chicks in the incubator: The tiny blue one is NOT a mixed breed. It is from a different batch of eggs. The other two are the "big-foot twins". They hatched with normal skulls, five toes, blue skin, HUGE-thick legs and feet, partial feathered legs and a body type more like their mother. They are also the only two that are colored more like her. Number 1 is buff overtone with smokey blue under-fluff, #2 is dark smokey blue with buff under-tone.
The other three chicks look more like their father. They have the polish body, tail set, vaulted skull (though the mother, Rose, has a vaulted skull also). Their legs are partially feathered, willowy in structure, five toes, blue skin. When they hatched they were basically all black with a buff ring around the eye. Now they look like this:

Here you see 6 chickes total.
-- Little blue in the background (not a mix breed/ bantam bbs Ameracauna)
-- You can sort of see the little frizzle cockeral he is jet black and rich orange in color
-- Middle-left & Middle-Right are the "Big-foot Twins"
-- Front-center & Middle-far left are the willowy twins

The big-foot twins, willow twins, and frizzle boy are the result of my cross between Rose and Weeble. Here are the stats on the hatch:

- All have 5 toes, blue skin, partial leg feathering
- 1 is frizzled
- 3 have vaulted skulls
- 2 normal skull
- 3 have distinct flecked feather pattern
- 2 have buff outer feathers with smoke grey under-fluff
- 3 have delicate bone structure polish-type
- 2 have heavy bone structure and silkie-type(ish)
- All have some top knot, though the three silkie types are more pronounced.

As to personality. The three polish-types are flightier than the two silkie-type chicks. They are NOT as nutso batty as a pure silkie. They are curious and a little flighty, but a lot more even tempered. They spook as easily. The two that are silkie-type are a lot more sedate. But again, not AS sedate as a silkie. They are all fliers and like to roost and play on perches. Altogether is makes for a fun bunch of birds.
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