MJ's little flock

I tried to have my toast in the chicken's yard this morning because there was no dew and my seat was dry.

Big mistake.

Mary stole my toast! A whole slice! Then she kept it secret for about five minutes! It was when Peggy got hold of it I realised what had happened.

I need to put a sign up: "If it's on a plate, it hasn't been tidbitted to you!"

Here's Peggy laughing all the way to the toast.

Brightside: I know what to give them for Christmas. They were so happy!

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Haha!! Goldie once stole and ate whole half a hotdogs the other day. I was to stunned to take a picture!
A habit of victim mentality with respect to work is childish, tiresome and disrespectful of people who are coping with genuine tragedy. I don't mind if my friend slips into a victim narrative every now and then, but when it's habitual I simply can't take her seriously.

On a personal level, I'm so glad you view their criticisms of your choices in a healthy and constructive light. If the worst they can say is that you have a mixed family and chickens, then you can take comfort in the certainty that you've lived a good life.
That is really well said! :love
That is a terrible shame to stay anywhere, if it makes you unhappy.

My current job is as a technician to an Optometrist. The office I work for is very small, 1 doctor, 1 tech (me), 1 receptionist, and 1 optician for glasses.

The receptionist is miserable ALL OF THE TIME! She has said how much she hates this job and it's beneath her, she used to be a bank manager, yet she won't leave here and just brings everybody down.

The optician isn't much better, she has a very boring life where her husband tells her everything to do and how to do it. She comes to work and just complains about him and her son, who only wants to play video games in his room all day.

The 2 of them will sit at lunch and just bad mouth every patient of the day. They talk about me and my life. They think it's ridiculous that I have the chickens and a blended family. I try to not let it get to me, because I know the problem is them and not me, yet it's harder some days than others.

Thankfully my boss and I are very close and he has told me that he is aware of their behavior. He has assured me my job is secure. The receptionist tried to get me fired when we both started.

Bottom line, no one is responsible for your happiness but yourself. If you don't like where you are change it!

Hugs. We used to get: Are they all yours? No~one needs that many children [even my father was guilty of this one] Have you worked out what causes it? & your IQ equals the number of kids. As I had more kids than he did I figure I'm way smarter than he is. :lau People can be very rude but I figure a lot of time they've simply failed to engage their brain before opening their mouth! :gig:gig:gig
Hugs. We used to get: Are they all yours? No~one needs that many children [even my father was guilty of this one] Have you worked out what causes it? & your IQ equals the number of kids. As I had more kids than he did I figure I'm way smarter than he is. :lau People can be very rude but I figure a lot of time they've simply failed to engage their brain before opening their mouth! :gig:gig:gig
Agreed. Some people have no idea about which thoughts are best left unsaid.
I tried to have my toast in the chicken's yard this morning because there was no dew and my seat was dry.

Big mistake.

Mary stole my toast! A whole slice! Then she kept it secret for about five minutes! It was when Peggy got hold of it I realised what had happened.

I need to put a sign up: "If it's on a plate, it hasn't been tidbitted to you!"

Here's Peggy laughing all the way to the toast.

Brightside: I know what to give them for Christmas. They were so happy!

View attachment 2220639
I had that experience eating a banana in the Chicken Palace. I even brought two bananas one for the Princesses to share and one for me. Turns out sharing is not a Princess-kind of thing!

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