MJ's little flock

Yep, you just called us both out! And to say nothing of Roostie making twice daily trips to the “Big Coop” in my arms, to sit on my Tshirt in my mothers chair being hand fed a home cooked meal (I’m trying to treat him with Antibiotics, and he’s gotten wise to the Baytril laced bread...) it’s just a much bigger back yard, and a very realistic perspective on lifespans/risks/and choices of that nature.

Culling Hoppy was the hardest moment I’ve had so far, I nursed that girl through so much, and she had done so well, but I also had no issues in personally sending the Little White Devils (Sammy’s brothers) to Freezer Camp.

Shad might be a little blunt at times, but we all love him, and not in-spite of that, but partially because of it. I just had to mention that for some people chicken gender could be a significant issue. Imagine accidentally getting 2 cockerels in a 3 chicken flock!
Oh good, I feel better now. Still learning the dynamics of the site and threads and was just paranoid I had stepped wrong already! 🙃
And yes, I’m hoping the scenario of the 2 cockerels doesn’t turn out to be mine hahaha
Oh good, I feel better now. Still learning the dynamics of the site and threads and was just paranoid I had stepped wrong already! 🙃
And yes, I’m hoping the scenario of the 2 cockerels doesn’t turn out to be mine hahaha
There are good people on the three threads we spread ourselves over. Most are nutters in their own right but your back is safe here.:)
Oh good, I feel better now. Still learning the dynamics of the site and threads and was just paranoid I had stepped wrong already! 🙃
And yes, I’m hoping the scenario of the 2 cockerels doesn’t turn out to be mine hahaha

As you get to know us the different personalities will be easier to negotiate. :D We're pretty hard to offend ~ we have Shad :p:lau And I hope you don't get unwanted cockerels too. I'm in a no rooster zone as well & there are some terrible enablers in this group! :lol:
Go on. Push me out to the fringes of chicken keeping.:rolleyes::lau
It will be I shouldn't even be on the site next, because I'm not a proper backyard chicken keeper.
Can you beleive someone actually said that to me and the person was/is well known.

Seriously? I may tease you a little but your sane, down to earth ,common sense approach has been invaluable to me ~ given I belong more to the dippy arty~farty crowd who is often clueless. When I first joined this site it was often your posts & articles I looked for because they made so much sense from what I was observing in my own flock.

I may still have a mixed flock but I have never forgotten your comments on birds of a feather hanging together & now try to accommodate that so that I have a lovely peacable flock.
Oh good, I feel better now. Still learning the dynamics of the site and threads and was just paranoid I had stepped wrong already! 🙃
And yes, I’m hoping the scenario of the 2 cockerels doesn’t turn out to be mine hahaha

I hatched 14 chicks, bought 14 more, lost two and ended up with 15 cockerels and 11 hens to start my flock, it was a jump in with both feet introduction to poultry. I’ve been offline a lot lately, and having a heck of a time keeping up with everyone here... A lot of people joined in and by the time I finally got back online regularly, I just accepted that most of them were already familiar with some of our more “eccentric personalities” (myself included in that description!)

As you get to know us the different personalities will be easier to negotiate. :D We're pretty hard to offend ~ we have Shad :p:lau And I hope you don't get unwanted cockerels too. I'm in a no rooster zone as well & there are some terrible enablers in this group! :lol:

So true! And Yep, color me guilty... I’m an enabler, I have 8 Roosters, and Shad is pretty close to me as well in that department. We also all have our own favorite soapboxes to pull out on occasion, some are even semi-chicken related!

That said, @Scrambles83 they do look like girls to me, but it never hurts to hold off on the gender reveal party... I was in denial over 4 of my chicks for the better part of early Summer.
Seriously? I may tease you a little but your sane, down to earth ,common sense approach has been invaluable to me ~ given I belong more to the dippy arty~farty crowd who is often clueless. When I first joined this site it was often your posts & articles I looked for because they made so much sense from what I was observing in my own flock.

I may still have a mixed flock but I have never forgotten your comments on birds of a feather hanging together & now try to accommodate that so that I have a lovely peacable flock.
Yup, seriously.
I can't remember exactly what brought the comment on.
I hatched 14 chicks, bought 14 more, lost two and ended up with 15 cockerels and 11 hens to start my flock, it was a jump in with both feet introduction to poultry. I’ve been offline a lot lately, and having a heck of a time keeping up with everyone here... A lot of people joined in and by the time I finally got back online regularly, I just accepted that most of them were already familiar with some of our more “eccentric personalities” (myself included in that description!)

So true! And Yep, color me guilty... I’m an enabler, I have 8 Roosters, and Shad is pretty close to me as well in that department. We also all have our own favorite soapboxes to pull out on occasion, some are even semi-chicken related!

That said, @Scrambles83 they do look like girls to me, but it never hurts to hold off on the gender reveal party... I was in denial over 4 of my chicks for the better part of early Summer.
Our little human is already worded up that if Belle and Snow end up being Bill and Sam then we can’t keep them, but I think I’ll be sadder than her if that’s the case, I’m attached already 😅
Although after reading more about roosters on here and seeing pics of such handsome boys I almost want one hahaha. Not sure my husband or neighbours would support that idea though 😝
I may still have a mixed flock but I have never forgotten your comments on birds of a feather hanging together & now try to accommodate that so that I have a lovely peacable flock.
What is the birds of a feather point? I think I missed that. Is that about having all one breed? I ask, because of course I am still chewing over whether to get more chicks to expand my flock.
Our little human is already worded up that if Belle and Snow end up being Bill and Sam then we can’t keep them, but I think I’ll be sadder than her if that’s the case, I’m attached already 😅
Although after reading more about roosters on here and seeing pics of such handsome boys I almost want one hahaha. Not sure my husband or neighbours would support that idea though 😝
Oh join the club - I so badly want roosters, but I can't have them here so I just live vicariously, and consider all the chickens on these threads like one big virtual flock. That way I can have many roosters!

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