MJ's little flock

The boys were pretty quiet today, I wish they were like that all the time! Sometimes G-man will just start crowing at all times of the day, going off for about 5 minutes or so, and Bela sometimes joins in for a crow-off! There was very little crowing today, which was nice. The actual vocalisation doesn't bother me, it's what the neighbours think that does. Not that anyone's complained (yet).
I make it my business to not complain about Rocky up the street. Maybe your neighbours feel the same way?
I think most of my byc friends know this and I hope you're not offended by my preference to keep it very slow and quiet.

The vibe does indeed attract the tribe! People who thrive in tiny tribes might do well to keep their vibe from becoming too warm :)

I’m hoping I haven’t started an avalanche of migrations over to this thread, but I suspect it will stay quiet.
No, I am not offended at all - and I completely understand.

While I can only speak to myself, I won't be bombarding this thread; again, I am having all I can do to keep my head above water with what I am doing!

However, I wanted you to know that it was not for lack of interest nor affection on my part regarding you and your tribe.

No, I am not offended at all - and I completely understand.

While I can only speak to myself, I won't be bombarding this thread; again, I am having all I can do to keep my head above water with what I am doing!

However, I wanted you to know that it was not for lack of interest nor affection on my part regarding you and your tribe.

You're one of the more measured contributors to Bob's thread too.

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