Modern game bantams...

I been trying to figure out what my little pullet is for months. She was suppose to be the female half of my Japanese bantams. Instead I got one cocky attitude adorable Japanese Bantam Roo and this girl. For the longest time I thought she was a Old English Game Bantam but then someone said... hey I think she is a Red Pyle Modern Game... maybe you professionals can clear this up for me once and for all. And if she is where the heck did she come from and where the sam hell am I going to get a match lol Not in Canada anyways some breeds are just a no go impossible to find. Here is a pic of her please let me know what you think.

Looks like someone was right, she is a Red Pyle Modern. I have been looking for Red Pyle Modern hens for a friend of mine and it's almost impossible to find any here as well.

Try contacting Troy Laroche. He shows Moderns in Canada. Although he doesn't breed the Red Pyles, he probably can help you find some if anyone can. He also has a website.

[email protected]

Shows in Cananda:
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@juliechick Thank you kindly! She is one of my favorite birds she flys up on my shoulder, pretty much flys everywhere she goes we call her the roadrunner cause she runs and flaps everywhere its funny... looks fun too!

Does Mr Laroche have a website do you know what its called? This is exciting. I dont mind any other color just want to see more of the breed they are incredible. I love all the unique sounds she makes compared to everyone else.

Thanks again :)
Yup, she's a Red Pyle Modern. Congratulations! Moderns are my favorite breed.
Thank you @BantamLover55 she is my favorite. I love her. She is so different then all the rest of my girls. Her hubby is my Chabo with attitude and they act like a married couple especially at bedtime. So much fun. I also found Troy Laroche website hopefully I can get my hands on some more of these wicked birds :)
Thank you @BantamLover55 she is my favorite. I love her. She is so different then all the rest of my girls. Her hubby is my Chabo with attitude and they act like a married couple especially at bedtime. So much fun. I also found Troy Laroche website hopefully I can get my hands on some more of these wicked birds :)
Sorry I didn't get around to replying. I'm glad you found the website. I hope you find some more! Moderns are definitely one of my favorite breeds, too.
I hope Mr Laroche has some available the website didnt appear to be selling anything. They are definately more of a challenge to find for sale. OEGB seem to hard also but I at least found some. I thought my Roadrunner was one for along time but knew it was off just some. Can you tell me how old are they when they mature? ie Start laying eggs? :) If you look at pic of the week here it is mine, its not my fav pic by no means BUT on my page ther is a couple pics of my Roadrunner :))
@juliechick do you have pics of your bantam Barred Rocks? I have been wanting some bad lately :) also your girl? in your avatar is she Lemon Blue colour? I am also exploring this colour in my research lately I really love it! At first to me it sounded like a light colour but its like navy kinda ya? (also I am colorblind so dont laugh)
@juliechick do you have pics of your bantam Barred Rocks? I have been wanting some bad lately :) also your girl? in your avatar is she Lemon Blue colour? I am also exploring this colour in my research lately I really love it! At first to me it sounded like a light colour but its like navy kinda ya? (also I am colorblind so dont laugh)
Here are some pics of the Rocks. Everyone always comments on how striking the barred pattern is, especially against the green grass. :) I will have some eggs, hopefully, in a week or so if you would like to try to hatch some. My pullets are laying really well right now.

The Mod in my avatar is a Brown Red. The Lemon Blues are usually a pretty dark, smokey blue with lemon hackles. I don't have a good pic of one at the moment.


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