Modern game bantams...

Here are some pics of the Rocks. Everyone always comments on how striking the barred pattern is, especially against the green grass. :) I will have some eggs, hopefully, in a week or so if you would like to try to hatch some. My pullets are laying really well right now.

The Mod in my avatar is a Brown Red. The Lemon Blues are usually a pretty dark, smokey blue with lemon hackles. I don't have a good pic of one at the moment.

Very nice! The feather pattern almost makes me dizzy, which is good for barred rocks. How do they do at shows?
@juliechick wow that is very very nice of you but unless you live here in Canada Probably not that easy to send :-( we dont have it like you guys do in the US mega selection of everything! We are like a small neighborhood here in Canada with corner store boutiques to buy special breeds. I am still searching for anyone in Canada with Modern Game Bantams tthat have them for sale, hatching eggs anything. Thank you and my goodness look at that boy there barring reminds me of those 3d pics you stare at and then an image develops. Humbly... here is my boy he is our head roo although hedoesnt actually breed to very many of the hens, we have another roo who is the gigilo. Oscar here does security mostly and Forrest is his bodyguard lol

He isnt a show boy but he is my buddy :)

Hi all - I have one white MG bantam hen I absolutely adore (Sprite). We had another that unfortunately passed and so now she's our lone MG in our blended flock. I would love to have a couple more - I love their personalities and her little voice!
She insists on getting up in my face to share her each and every squeaky opinion on all of the happenings going on
. We live in SE GA, on the coast but haven't come across any MG breeders yet. If anyone has suggestions for breeders relatively close to us I would really appreciate it.

Our two whites came from a breeder out of CO a couple of years ago (Blue Ribbon Bantams, I believe, but I can't find any contact info for them anywhere online.). They had come down for a show in Phoenix, AZ, and also had Creles I believe.
Hey Modern Game enthusiasts! I have wanted this chicken ever since I saw a picture several years ago. I finally got some eggs and they hatched on Jan 28th. I have a question. Some are black and some are birchen. Is there any to tell which is which when they are still chicks?
Here they are with two other (non MGB) chicks.

Hey Modern Game enthusiasts! I have wanted this chicken ever since I saw a picture several years ago. I finally got some eggs and they hatched on Jan 28th. I have a question. Some are black and some are birchen. Is there any to tell which is which when they are still chicks?
Here they are with two other (non MGB) chicks.

The ones with white on them are the black ones and the completely black chicks are the Birchen. I know that sounds odd, but extended black chicks are most often black with white underfluff. I have hatched a few Birchen chicks and they are always completely black. Hope you enjoy them!
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The ones with white on them are the black ones and the completely black chicks are the Birchen. I know that sounds odd, but extended black chicks are most often black with white underfluff. I have hatched a few Birchen chicks and they are always completely black. Hope you enjoy them!

Thanks :) I think I have some red browns, too, because they have some patterning on their wings. I really love them!

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