Molting at 10 Months


Dec 10, 2015

Correct me if I'm wrong, but what we have here is a molting hen! I know there are dozens of threads on molting already, but I can't find my answer just yet. This Dominique was just hatched in February 2015, so she's about 10 months old. Doesn't this seem too early for such a hard molt? Everything I've read says it happens around 16 months or so. Should I spend a lot of time trying to figure out why or do some chickens just start molting early? I don't see any sign of damage or injury. What else should I be looking for? Thanks!
You're right that it is usually in the second autumn and each thereafter but not out of the ordinary for birds that hatch early in the year to molt the first autumn.
Does the fact that pin feathers are present rule out anything other than an early molt? Am I right in assuming that's the only possibility?
I had one molt at 9 months last year....
yeah your bird is molting, pin feathers only grow in if they are molting or the feathers were fully plucked out for some other reason.
Thank you for posting this!!! We have Doms that hatched Feb 2015 and two seem to be molting JUST as the photo above. My little daughter (official Hen Caretaker) has been very stressed out about them this week. Everything else seems in order, so I'm glad to see that this is all we're likely dealing with. Love this forum! Thank you!

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