
In the Brooder
May 30, 2022
Hi!! My two oldest ducks (about 1.5 - 2 years old) appear to be possibly molting. It is the beginning prime summer time where I live (Maine) and it’s starting to get very hot out daily. I’m unsure if it is molting or if they are sick. They are acting normal, eating and drinking, their poop looks okay. I do see feathers everywhere in their coop/run and they have stopped laying. They do have the white fluffy feathers in their nostrils at times and I sort of aid with clearing those when it looks stuck. Their feathers are all ruffled and thin throughout their whole body at this point. They do get ACV in their water every so often. They get dried mealworms as treats and have food down always and fresh water dish that gets refilled at least 4x a day which they enjoy drinking from at first and then sitting/playing in once they’ve sipped to their liking. They also have a large pool to clean themselves in. I did check for any bugs/mites just in case and I didn’t see anything. Is this a molt?? I just want to be sure there isn’t another issue occurring.
Hi!! My two oldest ducks (about 1.5 - 2 years old) appear to be possibly molting. It is the beginning prime summer time where I live (Maine) and it’s starting to get very hot out daily. I’m unsure if it is molting or if they are sick. They are acting normal, eating and drinking, their poop looks okay. I do see feathers everywhere in their coop/run and they have stopped laying. They do have the white fluffy feathers in their nostrils at times and I sort of aid with clearing those when it looks stuck. Their feathers are all ruffled and thin throughout their whole body at this point. They do get ACV in their water every so often. They get dried mealworms as treats and have food down always and fresh water dish that gets refilled at least 4x a day which they enjoy drinking from at first and then sitting/playing in once they’ve sipped to their liking. They also have a large pool to clean themselves in. I did check for any bugs/mites just in case and I didn’t see anything. Is this a molt?? I just want to be sure there isn’t another issue occurring.
If they are otherwise acting normal then yes it is molt.
My back yard is like I opened a feather bed out there. White feathers everywhere and int he kiddie pool too. Mine are not doing a full molt yet -- I currently have 4 pekins -- but they are very "fluffy" rather than sleek, and there are feathers all over the place.

Your ducks sound to be just fine and very well looked after. Worry not if the ducks are eating pooping and energetic.

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