Mouse's new baby! *new pics of the baby*


Off to another pond
11 Years
Nov 4, 2008
Well, I finally got off my lazy butt, to go out and water the dogs/pig...and found it to be HOT today, well as I was walking around the duck pen, I heard a tiny peeping, and so I'm thinking, oook....thats not Jingo (wouldn't you believe, had the "baby QAUCK" since a week old?).

so I got into the pen, everyone else is abit on edge, ok, somethings up, they're usually NOT this jumpy, seriously everyone is ALL over the place,

so I pull back the wall to Mouses nest box (a cubby on wheels turned over with a board leaned on it with rocks holding it up, VERY country-rigged), and theres SAGE with a tiny little peeping mallard-looking baby. Mouses...second baby, little half sibling to Templeton, who's also Mouse's.Mouse only had one mallard egg,cause i kept taking them away because SAGE had started laying in there first, then Mouse went broody on her egg plus about 6 of sages eggs.


anyways, about a week ago, Sage started to get really interested in Mouse's eggs,going so far as to sit on the nest while Mouse was out, maybe they had a plan

I'm not exactly sure WHO will finally play momma to these babies, Sages 3, or 4 remaining eggs have yet to hatch, I'm hoping they'll start tomorrow.

In a perfect situation, the mallard baby would go off with Mouse, and Sage would stay on the rest of the eggs, but these ducks are WIERD

plus Sage has planted herself, and doesn't even move when I bother her, Mouse just looks happy to be able to stretch her legs LOL

heres the momma, Mouse, whether or not she's proud, I dunno LOL
(you can see possibly-proud daddy, Jacobi going through his sex-change LOL, he swears he'll be a boy again by next spring LOL, but he may not be the father, I havn't had a chance to see if baby is pure or not.)
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then geeeet some LOL *wishes we had a swirly hypo-thingy smilies*

I'm curious to see how everyone will act with babies in the pen, I'm only really worried about the geese and mmuscovy drake.
Unfortunatley I have no way to seperate them, Momma is "tame" but still hands off.

I got new pics!, Mouse had the baby out this morning, tought him how to drink, and he went for a 5 second swim, followed his girl-daddy Jacobi around, then back into the nest box for a nap LOL

BUT before that, he visited the chickens
, he had gotten through the fence, I guess looking for mom when she went into the nest box the first time, luckily I found him, because the turkies were eying him up


the only time I'll probably ever get to hold him



GAHHH, I said she was "hands off" !!, never mentioned that she wanted to TAKE my hand off

I took a short video, wich by then she REALLY wanted to kill me
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I mean she REALLY wanted to kill me LOL, see at the end, she gets ready to charge me hahah
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