MPC Rainbow assortment arrived! UPDATED additional pics page 2

Got mine today too!

Unfortunately my car is broke down, so a friend picked them up and is keeping them until Saturday.
It doesn't look like I got any EE in my 26 chicks
All the chicks have yellow legs, and none of them have puffy cheeks. Now, I know that green legs and puffy cheeks is not a definite in EE, but I would think, if there were any, there would be some that had one or the other. Looks like I got brown leghorns, white leghorns, a few BR, and SLW. I think there might be some GLW? They are ones that are grey with stripes, but they have red on their heads? Idk, I'll see once they start growing!

I was really hoping for some EE's, they are so pretty
I had an EE bantam hen that was just the sweetest girl in the world!
And my son is still wanting a chicken 'dats got bwue eggs'. So far all my EE and ameraucanas have either been killed by something or been roos
Upon closer inspection, it seems not only do I not have EEs, I also don't have any BR
The 3 chicks with white head spots all have rosecombs, so apparently these are dominiques. Good thing I've got BR and EE eggs coming, or I would be kind of aggravated.
I guess next time I'll just go ahead and order one each of the BR and EE pullets, then at least I know I'll get what I want
I've got a lot of what looks like white and brown leghorns, some SLW, and some that are probably GLW? They look like the SLW but have red heads? There are quite a few that look like they might be austrolorps, and some that are probably 'speckled' something or another. So my 'rainbow' layers is white and brown eggers, whoopee
After spending a few hours staring into the brooder and comparing pic chicks and hatchery catalogs, I'm starting to think we got more of a rare assortment. I think we got hardly any of the breeds that were listed as "most likely" to be in the assortment. My semi-educated guesses are that we got:

3 white crested black polish
1 white sultan
3 buff cochins
1 blue cochin
2 golden campines
3 silver spangled hamburgs
1 brown leghorn or welsumer
2 silver laced wyandottes
2 sumatras
1 black austrolorp
4 buff orpingtons
3 white leghorns

I may be way off on some of these but those are my guesses. At any rate, they are cute as can be and I can't wait to see what they turn out to be for sure.

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