Mrs. Cuddleworth has hot feet


Fluffy Butt Nut
10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Long Island, NY
Does anyone know if it's normal for a 3 month old pullet to have really hot feet? Is that normal? She has always had them since she was very little.

Also, this same pullet makes a clicking noise with her beak when she is opening it, I've also noticed she does that thing where she puts her head up into the air and opens her beak. Do you think it could be gape worm?And if so, how do I treat it?

BTW, I believe these are totally unrelated issues. Thanks for any and all advice!
Our chickens have hot feet, I think they are fine. As for a gape worm, I have no idea, you may want to try searching it or hopefully someone will chime in soon and give you advice.
I picked up my 3 mth. old cockrel yesterday , and noticed it had hot feet too. I always thought chickens feet were cold. then i thought maybe it was just cause he's young.
Is it possible the clicking noise is a slight crossbeak?

I guess the gaping could also be from having food stuck in her mouth or her crop not emptying completely overnight, or maybe even from being too hot.
Does it look like she is trying to crow?I have a pullet who does silent crows. She started doing it when the boys in the brood first started finding their voices.
Nope, she isn't trying to crow, it really looks like she is trying to clear her airways which is why I was afraid of gapeworm. I read that you can look down their throats and sometimes see the worms (YUCK!) but I tried opening her mouth and she would not open it for anything. Someone said it was a two person job. Maybe I'll get my husband to help me look tonight.
Hi, I realize this is an extremely old thread but this one is so closely resembling my current situation. May I ask if this chicken was fine after a while or if things got progressively worse?

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