Muscovy ducks spitting up

Here we go again. This is my second round of overall weakness with Pio I went through it with pollito. Pio went to the vet today had blood work done and we will get results tomorrow morning. She was so bad I thought I was going to lose her. Just like I thought when pollito got sick. For the life of me I don't know what happens to them around laying. They are eating high protien quality food fruit and veggies and yet I experience this twice. It's a night mare to see her falling over but she is on batrly. An antibiotic which I didn't spell correctly. Well she is weak we are praying pls keep her in your prayers I will tell u all the results of her labs. Irene
But is she getting the calcium she needs to lay her eggs? Hopefully the blood work will tell whats going on.

Ducks need a good amount of calcium to lay . Layer feed and Oyster shell offered in a separate bowl is most of the time enough but even then some females need extra so alot of us keep calcium gluconate on hand and calcium citrate . If they don't get enough calcium their bodies will take it from their bones from what I have heard.

Thank you for letting us know what the vet says.
Hi there good morning. Pio blood work came in saying low on phorophus. We added vitamin in water and got the waterfowl feed what vet recommended but husband is going to feed store to get poultry nutri drench and starter feed as she not not eating a lot. With pollito it was similar but she came around with baby vitamins, poly vi sol, but I heard that nutri drench for poultry is best. Will keep you posted.
Hi there good morning. Pio blood work came in saying low on phorophus. We added vitamin in water and got the waterfowl feed what vet recommended but husband is going to feed store to get poultry nutri drench and starter feed as she not not eating a lot. With pollito it was similar but she came around with baby vitamins, poly vi sol, but I heard that nutri drench for poultry is best. Will keep you posted.
Nutri drench is great stuff and made for poultry so i feel best to give. I hope you see improvement soon.
I know I am just scared. We went through a lot with pollito and thank God she came around lost tweety and now Pio got sick but she is getting stronger and just now ate seven larger crickets good size for her and is sleeping in the family room comfortable. She ate well tonight. I was wondering about meal worms from petco are they ok to give to ducks? I am so scared to try new things but protein is good when low in phorosphus. It's crickets and worms have protein they are also on good duck feed but I have to order nutri drench on line as griff feed and supply doesn't carry it and they said you can only get it on line. Not sure that's true but I am trying sunset feed in Kendall tomorrow. We are in south Florida. Anyone knows any one that carry this here?
I know I am just scared. We went through a lot with pollito and thank God she came around lost tweety and now Pio got sick but she is getting stronger and just now ate seven larger crickets good size for her and is sleeping in the family room comfortable. She ate well tonight. I was wondering about meal worms from petco are they ok to give to ducks? I am so scared to try new things but protein is good when low in phorosphus. It's crickets and worms have protein they are also on good duck feed but I have to order nutri drench on line as griff feed and supply doesn't carry it and they said you can only get it on line. Not sure that's true but I am trying sunset feed in Kendall tomorrow. We are in south Florida. Anyone knows any one that carry this here?
You are feeding them good and yes meal worms are a big treat here. I found Nutri drench at Tractor supply and you can order on line. Just remember treats for meal worms and crickets and worms [unless of course they are finding them themselves] and nutrient dense feed as main course.

Your TLC and meds and vits hopefully will get her healthy again.
She ate all her crickets and yesterday ate all her meal worms. Today we are getting some electrolytes at the feed store and I asked by husband to ask them what plants we can get to help her encourage forage at home. She and pollito are inside until I see her fully recovered. They love it. On Saturday if really hot weather in Miami I will let go in the pool only if water is not too cold. Well see
Pio second check up was yesterday. Now they did a fecal and while improving she still not all back so Doc gave her a vitamin b12 vaccine and told us to feed her baby food every 3 hours to get her full strengthen back. Exactly what we did with pollito. This morning she looked good and was on my couch lol she flew a bit to be able to go up. So definitely better. Both were forging on grass and hay bits and rocks some dirty. Yes, we brought in some outside just to see her reaction. She and pollito were acting normal and she got her beef baby food at 8 :43 am. I think the whole recovery process takes about three weeks or so because they have restore all their vitamins and nutrient balance once again. This does take some time. She is moving along and making progress each day.
Pio second check up was yesterday. Now they did a fecal and while improving she still not all back so Doc gave her a vitamin b12 vaccine and told us to feed her baby food every 3 hours to get her full strengthen back. Exactly what we did with pollito. This morning she looked good and was on my couch lol she flew a bit to be able to go up. So definitely better. Both were forging on grass and hay bits and rocks some dirty. Yes, we brought in some outside just to see her reaction. She and pollito were acting normal and she got her beef baby food at 8 :43 am. I think the whole recovery process takes about three weeks or so because they have restore all their vitamins and nutrient balance once again. This does take some time. She is moving along and making progress each day.
Awesome news.. I have to say they have a great mama human caring for them too.

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