Mushy hard boiled eggs?


7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Ok, not sure if this is related to my chickens or what. My hard boiled eggs used to come out fine. Now when I got to peel the, they are mushy! The whites just wants to melt in my hands! Not very appealing to me. What the heck is going on? The only thing I've changed is I put the eggs in the warm water then being it to a boil. I used to boild the water then add eggs but that results in a lot of cracked ones. Although I'll take that over mushy! Any suggestions?
I had that happen a few times when I undercooked my hard boiled eggs. I'm not sure if that's what happened in your case. But I switched to using a different pot for my hard boiled eggs and it changed the cooking time by a few minutes. I just increased the cooking time the next time I made them in that pot.

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