my anxiety is rising

Well, after a year of dormancy, this thing has reared it's ugly head once again. Tonight the township is voting on an ordinance limiting the number of dogs that may be maintained at one residence. We're expecting a big turnout - even the AKC has gotten involved. I've been told that I must act maturely - even our licensing lady shook her finger at me and said, "George, no swearing tonight." Do they think I have no control? Dogs that I presently have wil be 'grandfathered', but I will be unable to license additional dogs. Actually, there is a way around that if I act quickly. There's a 30 day period before enactment. I do have 4 young dogs that will be individually licensed post haste.
Great turnout of passionate dog fanciers! Legislation is back to committee to be reworked and the outlook is better. Did not swear, did not cry - did get a little emotional and received extensive applause for my presentation. Hope that helped make them think about the ramifications of what they are proposing.

Two and a half hour discussion!
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