My baby chick is lossing its feathers its only 1 week old!

This moult refers to the loss of down being replaced by juvenile feathers.

What feed are they on? Have her feather been rumpled looking from the time they started coming in?
Shes not losing down feathers it's her pin feathers and they are on medicated purina crumble starter and grower feed
This moult refers to the loss of down being replaced by juvenile feathers.

What feed are they on? Have her feather been rumpled looking from the time they started coming in?
Yes they have been a little ruffled but this is getting worse they are sticking out
Shes not losing down feathers it's her pin feathers and they are on medicated purina crumble starter and grower feed
I mean the first moult is the process of down being replaced by pin feathers, you won't necessarily notice the down missing as feathers cover the area. I was trying to clarify, but I guess I did a poor job.
I had a quail that just always looked rumpled and grumpy, he absolutely hated being handled and took forever to fill back in after moulting. I supplemented his feed with a little chia seed and mealworms for Omega acid boost, fat, and protein. I don't know if it's perhaps just genetically frail feathering like you see when two Frizzled are mated, some of the offspring have brittle feathers, occasional bare patches, and heart issues. If you do supplement make sure to offer grit alongside. Hopefully it will resolve after the first juvenile moult, but that just may be a part of her.

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