My big fat chicken fight

Sorry Littlegorb..
I was with ya until i read that you just let a rooster loose...
Bad, very irresponsible, cruel thing to do.
Didnt you even think about how it would live/survive? Didnt you even care if it suffered? That really bothers me...
Not cool at all..
For my issues I have been thinking of walking my chickens, heck even in the park across the street haha! A hen on a leash infront of my house would shock the neighbor lady for sure;)
I am glad to hear that the rooster is safe. I hope you will reconsider and will not "gift" the other rooster in the same way. IMHO it is unfair to an animal to be taken from his home then released to run wild in a town where he could be hit by a car, killed by dogs, etc, just because you want to annoy some of the residents of your town. I'm glad the rooster was caught by responsible children, but you have no guarantee the next one would be so lucky....
well first of all i live in a small town, and i released the rooster in my back yard, where he stayed all day. so everybody assumed he was mine. i could see him at all times, it's just that when he crowed the whole town could hear him. if he was not safe i had a place to put him. i would never hurt an animal or let one be hurt. he free ranged around the yard all day, and enjoyed himself. i think we all agree that letting chickens roam is a good thing as long as they are safe, and he was safe, okay?
i'm glad the kids came to get him because i would have had to put him in a cage. i would not have let him loose all night. i have lost chickens to dogs, one of them my own dog, only because the chicken flew the coop.
i don't appreciate whoever turned these roosters loose with my girls in the first place. they were tearing up my hens so i had to protect them first. i still have one of the hens isolated because she was so torn up. the other rooster is working on the rest of my hens and will end up losing his head pretty soon. no suffering.
so nobody has a sense of humor about a using a rooster to heckle the local gestapo. i am not irresponsible or uncaring. quite the opposite.
In your other said brought the red rooster into town and unleashed him on society...

just saying..

Either way... its over now...
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