My "broiler" chickens -pics-

I found these youtube videos that have broiler chickens in them.

This one even shows the size difference as the chick is getting bigger compared to a nonbroiler. They even have a broiler roo named George in it. This video is talking about battery hens and broilers. Sad to hear about those birds conditions they live in.

Here is the twin broiler roosters that I mentioned earlier.
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I just watched that utube site I never knew nor seen anything like that nor did I know the number of broilers or battery hens there are> What it says is right we know alot more about a tigers and lion than poor chickens.
What gorgeous eggs! It's so sad that they aren't an egg producing breed with those beauties. And they both look like hens to me.
Well, I think you guys are right...
Today I found these.


Both were laid today! And one of them was in the new nest box, good girls!!
WOW!! And all this time...

Well, well, well, it's going to take some time to get used to this!
It's so cool how the eggs are different!

I still have to check out those links, I just had to report the news!

And thank you everyone for your kind compliments, it means a lot!


I just checked out the links. The one on battery hans and broilers is horrifying, once I saw a documentary about how commercially raised baby chicks are treated.
That is why it's so great that people raise their own chickens for food and eggs, I really admire that.
I loved George in the vid, what a big cutie.
Godzilla is also amazing, WOW what a big guy, that is just incredible!!
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I got a broiler on 'axident' as well. He was in a pullet buff orp box and ended up being a male/broiler. but i am glad i got him he is great! and he likes being petted as well. He also pants and it actually pred to some of my other chickens for a while but i think i finally got it under controll. i use antibiotics in my chickens water for 7-14 days and for the most part it seemed to clear up. i will be having my vet come and look at my chickens that pant soon.

He is a HUGE boy i can bearly pick him up without having to use a bit more muscels

Here is my HUGE big broiler boy, mandy:


He can bearly fit through the pretty big chicken door! His comb is also differnt too it has 2 points sticking out the side on the back side of the comb.
Good for you on your two "hens" ! Great job raising them and they look gorgeous. The way you are raising them, I hope they live a good long life with you.

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