My chicken keeps tripping what do I do


Aug 2, 2020
Ravenna, MI
It's weird because she's been laying her eggs but when I came out to look for her today she was just standing there. Her tail droop just for a moment. And she kept tripping when she walked to me and my treats.


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Her right foot appears to be twisted inward toward the left foot. She may have a joint injury. Look at that leg for signs of green bruising. That can point to where she hurt it.

Or maybe you already know the foot turns inward and it's always been that way.

Does she peck at the foot? Does she hold it up under her belly? Those are signs of pain.
This really sucks. My sister raised this chicken from chick and gave it to me as a pullet. She was doing fine up until a week ago she just stood there and kept stumbling over her leg. Her leg moves fine when I touch it. She couldn't even hop on the roost so I brought her in 2 days ago and yesterday she was eating but today she's not. She flaps her wings on occasion but just kind of sits there sprawled out in the brooder I put her in. I know that she had a little bubble on her eye once. That was only one time and I wiped it off. She hasn't drank any water today. Thinking about syringe feeding her water. I have an 18 cc feeding tube. I'm nervous about accidentally getting water in her lungs. Her sister died about a month ago. Two months before that we had another weird death. I'm wondering if my flock has Mariks disease.


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Would you be able to test her for it? Or if you do feel it's time to cull you might want to send her body in for a necropsy after the fact to see if it is present in your flock.
I would syringe feed her before giving up. If you get water in her lungs and it turns into an issue, you'll just end up culling her which is your other option right now anyway.
Don't you need to mail your veterinary permit for that? Otherwise I'm totally interested
Not for them. Im not sure if other similar places require it. GPL has a form and you can fill it out as a 'private owner'. I personally have 0 paperwork or permits.

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