My Chickend and Sandhill Cranes sharing their treats (VIDEO)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 17, 2008
Saint Cloud FL
This is a video of our local sandhill cranes eating some bread with my chickens. The cranes are a family of four that visit almost everyday. They consist of 2 parents and 2 babies(the light brown ones). As you can see my chickens are scared to get too close lol. I hope you enjoy!

i think that Polish just about jumped out of her skin when the bread landed...... hehe thought those cranes got her! They have good reason to be leery, I have Crowned cranes and they have very sharp beaks, but mostly get along with the chickens when not eating.
Cool video. Here in Michigan we have a Sandhill Crane living on the wetlands near our house, but it takes off when a person approaches within 100 ft. I love the sound they make.

If I share bread probably only the Canada geese will partake, and they are already bold enough.
Loved seeing that! I like to see videos where other critters interact with chickens. They probably didn't know what to think of the "larger birds" unless they ar eused to it
The roo is named Little Hercules and the Polish is Xena. I thought it was pretty neat to see them together. The cranes always walk by my house every day on their way to the hunting grounds lol....
Earlier this Spring we had some black-bellied whistling ducks come by for a visit. It was a drizzly, rainy day and I heard them making their funny whistling sounds outside...went out and found 3 of them standing in the mud surrounded by my guineas. Not sure if the guineas were trying to run them off or just playing welcoming committee. I tried to snap a pic but as soon as I got remotely close they flew away.

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