My chickens are now 6 moths Old -still no Eggs.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Western Washington
I live in Western WA where the sun sets at 4:30 in the winter, and it's gloomy most of the days anyway. I am wondering if it's too late in the year for my young chickens to start laying eggs for the first time. They are 6 months old as of yesterday.Any thoughts?
I dont' see why they shouldn't lay even in the winter. If there isn't much daylight, they might just start laying later and then once laying, will lay infrequently. Good luck! :)
What breeds are they? My production birds usually start laying in the fall, even with the shorter days. I had one notable hen lay her first egg on the winter solstice
I've had good luck with my hatchery Rocks and EE coming to point of lay this time of year. Never had Doms so can't speak to them.

I've got a cuckoo Marans, partridge Rocks and two Rhodebar ladies who look to be maturing and close to laying...I'm hoping they start soon as my older girls have taken a break and we're eating store bought eggs

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