My chickens won't go to the coop??


5 Years
Jul 14, 2018
Hey everyone! My beautiful chickens are very active, eat well, and have a huge garden to explore. However they do something that really bothers me: Everyday, around 6pm, they go up the kitchen window and stay there wether is sun or raining! It annoys me so much because they get everything full of poop, and thry get all wet there but theres nothing we can do, we have closed the coop at night and they still jump out and go there! Theres no food or comfort in the window I have no clue what they look for in there... Anyone with tips? Thanks :)
They may feel insecure and afraid of something like a predotor!
I thought so too but I dont think thats it because one of the chickens was there for a longer time and did it, when the new one arrived she copied her behaviour and I think its their habit now! Theres no predators in my garden, only cats (they NEVER attack my chickens thry love being together)
They fly over it I dont even know how... I dont know what to do
I'm a little confused. Do you not have a hutch with a door that you shut them in @ night? If they are flying over the run fence you may want to consider putting a roof over it. Or you could try clipping their wings though some of the lighter breeds can still fly with clipped wings.

To encourage them to return to the coop [hutch] @ night, wait till it's dark then pick them up & put them on their roosts. As they can't see well in the dark they will stay there till morning.
I'm a little confused. Do you not have a hutch with a door that you shut them in @ night? If they are flying over the run fence you may want to consider putting a roof over it. Or you could try clipping their wings though some of the lighter breeds can still fly with clipped wings.

To encourage them to return to the coop [hutch] @ night, wait till it's dark then pick them up & put them on their roosts. As they can't see well in the dark they will stay there till morning.
They fly over the fence thats what happens unfortunately! I bsasically crafted a dog house onto a coop and put it inside an area of my garden that has a fence. They jump over it :/ Usually I do take them home but these last days ive been sick and couldnt take them... They slept there but it was their choice... Its resllu strange! Ive also clipped one of my chickens wings and I think its time to clip the other's too!
They fly over the fence thats what happens unfortunately! I bsasically crafted a dog house onto a coop and put it inside an area of my garden that has a fence. They jump over it :/ Usually I do take them home but these last days ive been sick and couldnt take them... They slept there but it was their choice... Its resllu strange! Ive also clipped one of my chickens wings and I think its time to clip the other's too!
It's not strange. Close to night chickens will look for somewhere safe to roost. They have chosen the window sill. You want them in the dog house. does it have a door?
Chickens naturally prefer to roost as high as possible at night as they know it is safer. Chickens have no defences against preditors and are blind in the dark and feel safer roosting.
You need to provide them with a coop with roots. There behavior is telling you they dont like or feel secure in there dog house. At the very least you chould be locking them in (and more importantly, preditors out) at night. Good luck!

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